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Tate's Pov:

I know that Rain told me that I need to be careful, but she didn't mention any kidnappers.

" Well there are people who are kidnapping couples who are gonna get married and Rain doesn't want us to get kidnapped."

" Really? Wow that's big. How come it's not on the news."

" Well they don't want everyone to freak out."

" Makes sense.

" Okay Vi let's go finish getting my makeup done so Andy doesn't have to wait on me."

" Sounds good."

I don't know what is going on, but I am not gonna ask. I know that Vi is probably shocked that Rain has a gun in the house, but I know she isn't going to say anything about it because Rain is trying to protect her love ones. I go into the kitchen and get a soda then I go to where the girls were and watch them.

" Whatcha think?" Vi asks me.

" I think she looks outstanding babe."

" Thanks Tate."

" Okay Rain I'm finished if you wanna do the eyeliner and mascara."

" Gotcha!"

" Would you like anything before you leave?"

" No I'm good, thanks though."

" Where is Andy taking you?" I ask Rain.

" He won't say....it's a surprise."

" Ah."

" So now that Vi isn't in the room, how about you tell me what's really going on."

" Look I told you guys-there are some people out there who are kidnapping couples who are getting married. I don't want you guys to be taken away. Now I'm about to tell you something that no one knows not even Vi."

" What is it?"

" While I'm gone tonight, if you hear or feel like you guys aren't safe there is a gun hidden under the couch, behind the t.v., and I'm gonna put the one I pulled out when you knocked on the door back in the first drawer under the paperwork in the little hidden box. Use any of them if you need to.....don't hesitate to shoot if you need to okay. If you do however shoot someone, call me immediately and I will take care of it."

" Are you serious you have that many hidden in the house and Vi doesn't know?"

" No there are more, but those are the ones you will be able to get to faster and yes Vi doesn't know and I kinda don't want her to know right now okay."

" Okay Rain I understand."

" Remember this is only between you and I."

" I understand completely."

" Good."

" May I ask you a question?"

" You just did but go ahead and ask."

" Why do you have all these guns in the house and where did you get them?"

" Well that's for me to know and you guys not to know right now."

" That's all you are given me."

" Yes because I don't really have the time to explain because Vi is on her way back in here and I have a date tonight, but I promise everything will be understandable in time. I need you to trust me Tate."

" I trust you Rain. I trust you with my life, with Vi's life and all our family's lives."

" Thank you Tate and I promise I will make it up to both of you guys."

" Okay."


" Almost Vi."

" Okay. Where is the hot tools?"

" Um aren't they under your sink?"

" Nope I looked."

" Look under my sink."

" Found them."

" When you are finished putting on the makeup and putting on your dress meet me in my bathroom so I can do your hair."

" Ten-four."

Vi goes and plugs up the hot tools and Tate follows her. It was now six-thirty, meaning I have about thirty minutes or so before Andy gets here. I quickly, but carefully finish putting on the makeup and run to get my dress on. I grab my black purse and put my wallet, chapstick, and tissues in there. I grab my gun holder and wrap it around my leg and put my extra gun I keep hidden in my room on the gun holder. I am gonna find the person who is threatening my family and friends and be ready to shoot them if needed. I grab my purse and heels and went into Vi's bedroom. When I enter Vi and Tate are talking about the wedding.

" Well in two weeks from Friday we will have our " We are getting married party" and then we can decide when we are getting married."

" I know Violet, but we also need to start deciding what kind of food we will have and what cake will we have and all that good stuff."

" Guys I hate to ruin this good moment between you two, but my date will arrive here in twenty minutes or so and I would love to be ready."

" Sorry Rain the hot tools are almost ready."

" Cool and Tate you don't have to worry about all those things okay. I am the maid of honor and I am gonna help you guys get all of this done okay."

" Wait you already told her she is gonna be the maid of honor?"

" Yeah last night I did but she is my best friend and she had a right to know that she was gonna be maid of honor."

" Okay cool."

" Get over here Rain and sit."

" What are you guys gonna do tonight?"

" Talk about wedding stuff. I have many cake magazines, bakery numbers and websites that we can start finding a cake."

" I know some people who can cater."

" Then we need to find Tate a tux."

" Which my dad will help me find because it's a family tradition."

" So I think we are good for a while before you get back."

" That sounds fun."

" Yeah. So when you gonna get those invitations sent?"

" I will have them all done up tomorrow and I was gonna try and get them sent tomorrow as well, but if not definitely Wednesday."

" Sounds great."

" Alrighty girl your hair is done."

" Oh my--it's wonderful Vi. Thank you so much for helping me tonight."

" No problem Rain. You will be helping me get ready for the wedding so I'm glad I could repay you with a thank you tonight."

" It's wonderful!"

All the sudden there is a knock at the door. Tate gets up to go see who it was.

" Tate...remember what I said."

" I know...I gotcha."

He goes to see  who it was while I put on my lipstick. I am starting to get nervous because I didn't hear anything.

" Rain...are you okay? You seem a little on edge again."

" I'm okay Vi. I wonder who is at the door."

" Well let's go see."

I grabbed my things and walked out with her and we saw Tate and Andy standing there talking.

" Hey Rain."

" You're here early."

" Yeah I know. I figured we could stay here for another twenty minutes and chill and then head out. It will only take twenty minutes for us to get down there, but who knows how long it might take until we get in."

" Sounds nice."

" By the way you look fantastic."

" Thanks. You look quite handsome."

" Thanks."

We all decide to drink some hot tea before Andy and I have to leave. We all sit there and talk about almost everything. I am hoping that tonight was gonna be a good night and that it wouldn't get ruined, but you never know what's gonna happen.

Right before Andy and I walk out the door my phone starts to ring. Vi gives me a look and I look at her while getting my phone. I looked at the number and knew who it was. I thought I would never see this number for a while, but it looks like my secret is creeping up real fast.

" Hold on just a minute I need to take this. I won't be long."

 " Hello?"

 " Hello Miss Parker. How are you doing in life?"

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