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 Vi's Pov:

Rain has disappeared with one of the ladies, I figure that she went to find some dresses for the girls. Everyone loves the dress I have picked out and all of the moms say that I am meant to have this dress. A few minutes went by and Rain and the lady came back with some dresses. There is one dress per bridesmaid that way they could all try on one dress and then we would decided. Rain doesn't want to try on a dress, but she did for me. I know she isn't one to wear a dress, but I loved that she would wear anything for my wedding. They all come out and the decision is so hard for me. We decide on the one that Rain is wearing because it seemed to fix all my bridesmaids. Rain is the first one back from changing out of the dress; I pull her over to the side and start talking to her.

" Hey bestie."

" Hey Vi. What's up?"

" You didn't have to try on that dress you know that right."

" Yeah I know, but I decided to for you."

" Aww! That's sweet of you."

" I know. Okay so get this the lady, Miss Lovegood, might give you a discount on all the dresses."

" Are you serious?"

" Dead serious."

" Oh my goodness that's so sweet of her."

" I know right. So are we getting the dresses today?"

" Yeah I would rather get them now then later that way we girls are ready."

" That's true. Okay well let me go tell her that and you girls get ready."

" Okay."

Rain's Pov:

I go up to Miss Lovegood and tell  her that we would like to get all the dresses today. She tells me that she would go see if she had all of our sizes in the dress we choose before we pay for all of it.

" Hey Vi...she went to the back to make sure she had all of our sizes in the dress before we pay for all it."

" Okay sounds good. You know I'm glad that all the moms are getting along and they aren't arguing over anything."

 " What do they have to argue over? We almost got all of this taken care of and that shows them that we are responsible and we don't need any help."

 " True."

 " Excuse me Miss Parker, I don't mean to interrupt, but we do have all the dresses if you are ready to pay for all of it."

 " Thank you Miss Lovegood. We will be up there to pay in just a few minutes."

 " Okay."

 " Well we are set with our dress." I tell Vi.

" I'm so excited! I'm going to call Tate first and see if they are doing okay."

 " Okay, but make it quick. I'm going to get the others gathered."

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