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Rain's Pov:

After we all get the kitchen cleaned, everyone decides that it is getting late and we should call it a night. We all say our goodbyes and head home. Andy and I are the last to leave, but we had to make sure that everything in the bus would be okay and nothing would go bad and then we had to lock the bus.

" So Mr. Biersack where is home?"

" Well Miss Parker home is not that far away."

" Good because I might get sleepy real fast."

" Nope you won't get sleepy because I want to ask you something. I know we haven't know each other that long but I love you very much and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend."

" Andy I love you too and I would love your girlfriend."

" Well here we are. Home Sweet Home."

" This place looks amazing. You really keep this place cleaned up."

" Yeah I make sure my place looks nice because it bothers me if it looks horrible."

We get out of the car and walk up to the door. Andy unlocks the door and invites me in. The inside looks amazing and I am wishing that my house was this nice.

" Okay so let me give you a tour of the place. Here is the living room and the kitchen is to the right. Down this hallway we have my bedroom here, a guest bedroom here, bathroom here, office here, and recording room here. And of course from the kitchen and living room we have a door leading to the outside where there is a nice lawn."

" This place is amazing Andy."

" Thank you. I don't get that much."

" So what are we gonna do?"

" Well we could go watch a movie or we could go to my room and hang."

" Why don't we go to your room and talk."

" Okay babe. Do you want a shirt for bed?"

" Yes please."

" Alrighty here you go."

" Thanks is it okay that I change?"

" Yeah I'll go get us something to drink. What would you like?"

" Um....water please."

" One water coming right up."

Andy's Pov:

I go to kitchen and get our drinks. When I get back to the bedroom, Rain is finished changing and she is looking at the pictures in my room.

" Wow."

" What? I'm sorry I was looking around. I'm not trying to be nosy, I just like the pictures and was getting a closer look."

" Chill babe chill. I was saying wow because you look beautiful."

" Oh, thanks."

" Here's your water, I put ice in there....I hope that's okay."

" Yes it's fine. I actually drink water with ice."

" You know it's funny that you put ice in drinks because it's that liquid with water in solid form put in it. So basically you are drinking nothin but water."

" Yeah I guess so. I never thought of it that way."

" Sometimes I just think of random things like that for no reason."

" Same but mine is when I'm so tired, but my brain won't slow down. I think of things that no one ever thinks of."

" Oh yeah? Like what?"

" Well sometimes I wonder if penguins have knee and elbows."

" Hm that's a good question."

" I know right."

" Rain.....may I kiss you?"

" Why yes you can kiss me."

I reach forward and kiss her. We started kissing more and more and I ended up on top of her. She is so beautiful.

" You sleepy Rain?"

" Yeah just a little."

" Come on let's lie down and get some sleep."

" Okay Batman."

I knew right then and there she is the one and I loved her so much.

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