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Andy's Pov:

I am so excited about mine and Rain's date tonight, but I started to lose my mind when it came to getting ready. I have made reservations at Patina at eight and it is almost five and I am not ready at all. I decide to call Jinxx and see if he wouldn't mind coming by.

" Hello."

" Hey Jinxx it's Andy."

" I know man I have you programed in my phone."

" Look I know it's almost five and I don't know what you and Sammi have planned, but can you come by and help me. I have my first date with Rain tonight and I don't want to screw it up and-"

" Andy you are nervous." he said cutting me off.

" Yeah I am and I losing my mind. I told her I would pick her up at seven and the reservations are for eight and I'm not ready at all."

" Wow okay. I'm coming over right now. Have you showered yet?"

" No I haven't."

" Take a shower when you get off the phone with me and by the time you get out I'll probably be almost there."

" Okay I'll go get in now. Tell Sammi thanks for letting you come and I'll make it up to her."

" I will man. See you in a few."

" Okay bye."

I hang up and realize that when Jinxx got here he is gonna give me the whole "Andy I don't know why you are nervous you'll do fine" talk. I turn on my music and jump in the shower. I don't know why I am nervous I think it is just the butterflies talking, but I was glad that Jinxx is coming over.

JInxx's Pov:

I am five minutes away from getting to Andy's place. I don't know why he is nervous it's only a date. I am just glad that I was going to help him. Surprised he called me but maybe he thought the other guys would laugh. I walk up to the door and knock. I wait for a few minutes and thought maybe he was still in the shower so I look for the extra key. I couldn't find it of course. Right as I am gonna call Andy, he opens the door.

" Hey man. Sorry I was getting out of the shower when you knocked."

" Oh okay. I waited for a few and then decided to look for the extra key....I couldn't find it."

" Yeah I know....someone saw me pick it up and then I thought they may have been a fan so I didn't put it back."

" Wise thinking my man wise thinking."

" So I have no idea what to where."

" What do you mean that you don't know what you're gonna wear? Where are you taking Rain?"

" I'm taking her to Patina."

" Oh okay well maybe for starters a tux."

" Yeah that's a good idea."

" To the bedroom Andy and find a tux."

" Yes Mama Jinxx."

" I'm gonna go get some water."

I can't believe that he didn't know to wear a tux. Come on Andy you are taking her to a nice restaurant. A few minutes later, Andy comes into the kitchen looking all nice and handsome.

" How do I look?"

" Andy you look nice and if I may say quite handsome."

" Why thank you."

" What are you gonna do now?"

" I don't know Jinxx I don't know."

" Does the car look good? I mean like clean and no trash in in."

" I had it washed before we got back, but there may be some trash in the car."

" Well let's go get it cleaned out buddy."

" Alright."

Rain's Pov:

It is a little after five and I just finished showering. Vi and I are doing my makeup and hair. It is gonna take a while because Vi thought I should do a mask to make my skin soft and then she started doing my eyebrows. I sneeze for the longest time, but to Vi it was worth it. Vi starts doing my makeup and I decide to call Andy. I put it on speaker that way Vi can continue doing my makeup.

 " Hey babe."

 " Hey Andy."

" What's up."

" Oh nothin just getting ready for tonight."

 " Me too. I can't wait for tonight."

 " Me neither. So where are you taking me?"

" It's gonna be a surprise."

 " Okay Andy."

 " Did you tell him?" Vi asked.

 " Tell me what babe."

" Oh yeah! Friday Violet and Tate are gonna make dinner and we are gonna have a date night- just the four of us."

" Sounds lovely. Would you like me to bring anything Violet?"

" Just bring yourself Andy."

 " Are you sure? I don't mind bringing anything."

 " I'm sure."

" Okay thanks for inviting me."

 " No problem it is date night anyhow."

 " Well I have to finish getting ready babe. I'll see you at seven?"

 " I'll be waiting. I love you."

 " I love you too babe."

I hang up and just as I did Violet stands back and and gives me this look.

 " What's that look for?"

" He is a keeper Rain. He is a keeper."

" Okay wow. We've only been dating for two days and we are going on our first date and he's a keeper."

 " Yup, no buts about it."

 " Okay are we almost done? I'm getting uncomfortable sitting here."

 " No we aren't, but how about we take a break. We got time. I just have to put on your eyeshadow and then you can put on the eyeliner and mascara that way I don't poke your eye out."

" Thanks for thinking of my eye on a night like tonight."

" Your welcome. Then once we are finished with that you can put on your dress and then we can do your hair."

 " Sounds good."

All the sudden there is a knock at the door. I am not taking any chances tonight, so I tell Vi to stay in the kitchen and I grab my gun that is hidden in the kitchen and went to the door. I open the door to see that Tate was standing there.

" TATE! How many times do we have to tell you open the door and shout it's me Tate."

" I guess every time. Why do you have a gun?"


 " No I am not trying to shoot anyone. I am not taking any chances tonight you know with the kidnappers going around."

 " Oh yeah! I understand now. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

 " It's okay Vi."

 " Okay wait a minute what about these kidnappers."

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