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Rain's Pov:

I walk in and show the lady at the front my I.D. then in returned she shows me the way to Mr. Smith's office. Everything has been moved around since I was last here but that's what happens when people move up.

" Mr. Smith there is someone here to see you."

" Okay send them in."

" Hey boss. How's it going?"

" Parker you came back!"

" Yeah and I want my job back."

" You never lost it. I told you that you could come back when you were ready."

" Yeah I know and I wanna open a case."

" Stalker?"

" You know it. I want to find this person and I want to lock them away. They aren't just stalking me they are stalking my family and friends. My friends Violet and Tate are getting married soon and I don't want to worry about the person. I want to have a great time watching my friends get married."

" This is important to you, but here is the thing we don't have any evidence or facts about this person."

" Exactly! But I have a feeling deep in my stomach that says that this person will try and get to someone soon enough."

I wish I didn't say that because as soon as I did my phone started to ring. It was Vi so I don't answer then Tate called and I know something isn't right.

" Hello Tate?"

" Rain I need you to come home now!" Vi whispered.

" I'm on my way home. Hang tight and tell Tate to get the guns out."

" We are in your bedroom with the door locked."

" Under my bed and in the third drawer down of my dresser. Don't hesitate to shoot if needed I'm on my way."

" Let's go I need cops surrounding my home and I need my badge."

" All units go to this address. Go get em tiger."

I run to my car and all the cops follow me. I am speeding over one hundred miles per hour, but my friends were in danger.

I get to the house and some police are already there with their guns pulled out.

" Look this is my house and I'm gonna go in. If I need backup I will call for backup and if you see anyone suspicious I want you to stop them okay."

" Yes ma'am. It's good to have you back."

I went in. No bullet proof vest. No nothing. Just my hidden gun and my ear piece. I am ready for this person and I am not going to stop until they are either dead or in prison.

" Hello? Where is everybody?"

" Nice to see you finally." an unknown voice replied back.

" Why are you here? Why are you stalking me and my friends and family?"

" Oh I'm not the stalker I'm just the messenger."

" That means you are here to deliver a message?"

" Oh yes. A message for Agent Parker. Here is your message: You may not be able to stop me, but soon enough you will catch me. Meet me at the old warehouse in three weeks and don't bring anyone by your side. Just me and you, no cops, and no fools. That was your message would you like me to repeat?"

" No I got it now you know what's gonna happen right?"

" Yes you are gonna arrest me."

" Hands up and turn around. You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do will be used against you in court of law."

I handcuff the man and take him out. As I turn the suspect over to authority Andy comes running up to me.

" Sir I need you to back up and get behind the yellow tape."

" No he's fine, he is my boyfriend."

" Yes ma'am, as you wish."

" Rain what happened? Is everything okay? Why are all these cops here?"

" Andy I will explain everything to you, Vi and Tate in just a minute. Come in and let me get them."

We run inside and he waits in the living room as I run to my bedroom.


" Yeah we're okay. Why was that guy here and-"

" Vi I need to tell you and Tate something. Come into the living room and I'll explain everything to you guys and Andy."

" Rain what is going on?"

" Okay I need to tell you guys something, but you need to understand I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want people to come after you guys."

" Rain you always protect us. Nothing you can say will make us be mad at you guys." Tate told me.

" Okay here it goes. I'm a secret agent, I have been for a couple of years now. I had to take a break after I had a mental break down when we finished a case. I was so traumatized after the case was closed that they told me I needed to take a break and get away. The other day when my phone kept going off it was someone who might be possibly after me. They are stalking me and you guys and family. That's why there are guns in the house and that's why you have never seen me go to work."

" Wow that's so cool." Tate said excitedly.

" So this whole time you've been an agent and you couldn't tell me?"

" Vi it was for your own good. I don't need bad people coming after you because I locked them away."

" Oh, I understand now."

" I'm sorry I would have told you a long time ago, but I decided not to and then when I was on "vacation" I was commanded not to tell you."

" Wait a minute! So my girlfriend is a secret agent?"

" Yes Andy I am. Please don't be mad."

" Why would I be mad at you? That is so cool! Can I tell the guys?"

" NO! Not yet anyways and if they ask I work at the supermarket."

" Okay."

" Rain....will you still live with me, be my maid of honor and help me with the wedding."

" I will Vi. I won't ever leave you guy."

" Okay I'm glad you will still be here." Tate tells me.

I am so glad that they aren't mad and upset with me, but they understood that I had to keep it a secret to keep everyone I loved safe. But now I had a bigger problem: Keeping my friends and family safe from this stalker.

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