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 Rain's Pov:

After breakfast I help Jinxx clean up the kitchen. Jinxx and I have a fun time jammin to all types of music and cleaning. We decide to go ahead and clean the whole bus that way they didn't have to worry about it once they get back. The other guys laugh and join us with the cleaning. I could not believe that I made them have a good time while cleaning the bus. According to CC, no one likes it when they have to clean the bus and I made them have a good time. I can't help it though, Vi and I always clean the house together and to make it fun we play music, sing, and dance. One time we had the cops come out because one of our neighbors made a noise complaint. We assured the cop that it wouldn't happen again, but we turned the volume up all the way before he left to get it all out. The cop laughed and left.

A little after eleven, the tour manager comes to the bus to tell us that we would be getting on the road around one. He is shocked that the bus is spotless and tells the guys that I can come on tour with them anytime I wanted, if it meant the bus was going to be clean. We laugh and he leaves to finish some business. I am really nasty after cleaning the bus and need a shower.

" Andy, may I take a shower please?"

" Yeah sure. Let me help you with the water....it can sometimes be complicated. Ashley and I think the shower is bi-polar because the hot and cold water will sometimes switch sides......Jake thinks that our manager switches it to get on our nerves."

" That's funny."

" Alright well it seems to be working fine. Let me get you a towel."

" Thank you." I say as he gives me the towel.

" No problem. Do you need anything else?"

" Yeah I need my clothes."

" I'll go get them for you."

" Thanks."

I get undressed and wait for the water to heat up a little more. I looked down trying to stop the thoughts that were coming to my head. Sometimes this happens where I am really happy and then all the memories come back to me and I cry.

Andy knocks on the door stopping my thoughts in the process. I wrap my towel around me and open the door.

" Here's--Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

" No reason, I'm fine."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah I'm sure.....can you stay in here?"

" I can if you want me to."

" Yeah I need you to make sure I..."

" I understand."

Then Andy kisses me.....we kiss for quite a while before I take a shower. When I get out of the shower, Jinxx tells us that we are going to get ready and get on the road. I am tired and so is Andy, so we put on Batman. After about twenty minutes, I fall asleep. 

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