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 Rain's Pov:

" Hey mom and dad. I was wondering where you guys were."

" Hey baby girl. How are you?"

" I'm good momma. What about you and dad?"

" We are doing okay. Can't complain at least."

" That's good."

" Hi I don't think we have met yet." my dad says to Andy.

" No I don't think we have, my name is Andy."

" Jonathan and this is my wife Ivy."

" Nice to meet both of you."

" Mom..dad..I know I haven't called you guys and told you the news, but Andy and I are dating."

" That's so cool baby. Why does he look familiar?"

" It will come to you ma'am in a few minutes." Andy tells her.

" How long have you guys been dating?" my dad asks.

" Three weeks sir."

" And you haven't called Rain?"

" No I haven't momma and I'm so sorry. I have been working nonstop and the helping Vi and Tate get things ready for the wedding. I really haven't any time to rest either; heck I didn't get in the bed last night until after twelve."

" What were you doing up that late for?" my dad asks me.

" I was getting things ready for today and I was getting some work done."

" My poor baby!" my mom exclaims.

" Yeah it's been crazy."

" Babe, I don't mean to just up and leave, but the guys just send me a text saying that they need me."

" That's okay babe. You make sure that you tell them I said hi."

" I will. Oh! I almost forgot...Jinxx wants all of us to get together at his place and hang this weekend."

" Sounds great sweetie. Oh, please take some food to the guys and say it's from me."

" Let me go get a big plate and put some food on it."

" Big plates are in the second large cabinet on the right side of the kitchen."

" That's who he is....he's Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides."

" Yes mom that's who he is."

" He seems like a nice guy honey. He used his manners and didn't say anything rude towards us or to our daughter."

" Yeah he's a nice guy dad."

" Okay I got a lot of food for the guys. I'll talk to you later Rain."

" Okay Andy bye!"

A little bit after Andy left some people decide they would go ahead and leave as well. I made sure that everyone who left decided what they would like for the after party.

Vi and Tate's parent stayed along with my parents and all of the bridesmaids and best men stayed as well. Vi and Tate decide that they would go ahead and have a girls/guys day where we went and got all of the dresses and tuxes. That is cool with me, but before we leave I make sure that I have all my badge and my gun. I am still not taking any chances, but there is still a problem: I have to go meet the stalker in the next week. No one knew but me---no even my own boss knew what I have to do.

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