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Rain's Pov:

" Hey babe. I'm gonna head back to my place and shower. Call me later?"

" Yeah I will. Be careful please."

" I will baby. Be ready around seven tomorrow night."

" Oh I will. I'll get Vi to help me get ready."

" Alright babe. I love you."

" I love you too. See you tomorrow for a wonderful evening."

" Okay. Bye Andy."

" Bye Rain."

I have never been so happy. Vi would be so happy to know that I have a date tomorrow night.

" Rain, are you okay?" Vi asked me.

" Yes, yes I am. I have never been happier."

" Oh, we noticed." Tate tells me.

" Vi I'm gonna need you to help me."

" With what? What do you need help with?" Vi asks.

" I have a date tomorrow with Andy. He is taking me somewhere special and he is picking me up around seven tomorrow evening."


" Yeah I know! I'm so excited! So will you help me? You know help me pick out a dress and help me do my makeup."

" YEAH I WILL! WE ARE GONNA START RIGHT NOW! Tate baby I love you, but Rain and I need some girl time tonight."

" I understand baby. I can go hang out with the guys tonight and tell them the good news. I still have to decide who my best man is gonna be."

" Honey take your time. There is no rush, we haven't even decided on a date yet and we still haven't told our parents yet."

" Yeah I know. Okay girls, have a good night and y'all call me if you guys talk about anything concerning the wedding."

" We will Tate I promise. I'll even call you if Vi falls asleep."

" Alright good night girls."

Vi and Tate kiss good night and then Vi turns around and says to me:

" Let's make some snacks and get some drinks. We are gonna have a fun night."

" Okay Vi chill. There is no rush we have plenty of time."

" I know that's why I'm making snacks."

" Oh I was wondering why we were gonna make snacks."

" Yeah I figured we could make snacks and eat any leftovers if we are hungry later and want to eat dinner."

" I don't think we are gonna eat dinner, I think snacks will be good enough."

" Okay good."

" While you get all this going and done I'm gonna go get my nice clothing out that way it will be easier for us to decide what I want to wear."

" Where is he taking you?"

" I don't know. All he said was that he was gonna take me somewhere special."

" Oh okay."

I go back to my bedroom and got all my clothes out. I am so excited about my date tomorrow I didn't know what I was gonna do. A few minutes, later Vi came into my bedroom with snacks and our drinks.

" Oh by the way next Friday we are gonna have dinner."

" Cool. Who is coming?"

" It's only gonna be you and Andy and me and Tate."

" Okay good. I kinda haven't told my parents about Andy and I yet."

" Ooooo. When are you gonna tell them?"

" I don't know. Andy I have only known it each other for a couple of days now and we've only been dating for about twenty-four hours. I am thinking about giving it a few more weeks and then maybe and then I'll tell them."

" Seems reasonable. Now enough talking about tell your parents we need to find you a dress."

" Okay I'm thinking either my red one or my black one."

" Well they are both pretty dresses. Try on the black one and let me see."

" Okay."

" So how was life on the bus?"

" Alright. Their tour manager told the guys I could come on tour anytime I wanted to because I helped them get the bus cleaned."

" Sweet! Then you and Andy can be together when they go on tour."

" Yeah that would be an upside of the whole thing."

" Do the other guys have girlfriends?"

" Yeah they all have girlfriends and they are really nice too."

" You met the girls?"

" Yup, the night I went home with Andy was the night I met them. Jinxx and Jake went and picked them all up and brought them back to the bus for a few hours. Andy and I made pizzas and we all ate and talked."

" Girl that dress looks good on you but try on the red one just for us to make sure. What did you guys talk about?"

" Oh nothing much we just talked about me and then we all cleaned the kitchen."

" How long were you guys on the bus when you got back?"

" Well we had been back for an hour and a half when Andy and I got up but then we were there for about another hour or so once the guys and the girlfriends got back."

" Oh okay. They must have all been ready to get home and be alone with their girls."

" Yeah especially Ashley."

" I bet. You look good in that dress too but I'm still leaning on the black dress."

" Same. Okay now should I do my open-toed black heels or should I do the closed-toed black heels?"

" Closed those look cuter with this dress."

" Okay. Well now I have my outfit picked out and all I have to do is put on makeup tomorrow."

" Yup now let's go to my bedroom and you can help me decide who we are going to invite to my wedding."

" Let's go. Who are you planning to invited?"

" Well my parents for one and I might invite my brother. Then I might invite my close family members not all of them."

" Sound like a plan."

" Yeah and I have a really big question for you."

" What is it?"

" Rain will you please be my maid of honor?"


" Oh thank you. I'm so glad you said yes."

" Why would I not say yes? You are my best friend."

" I don't know."

" Who is Tate planning on asking to me his best man?"

" Do you remember meeting his best friend Caleb?"

" Yeah I remember him. He was the hot one right?"

" Yeah that one. Well Tate is planning on asking him."

" Hey he can't go wrong with that choice."

" I'm saying. Oh! Tate told me that he has been seeing a girl for a while now."

" Really?"

" Yup her name is Echo Fairfax."

" Pretty name. How long have they been together though?"

" Apparently they have been together for six to seven months now."

" Wow! They must be serious."

" Yeah they are. They have met each other's parents."

" Do you think they will be getting ready to get married?"

" Nope. That's what I asked Tate when he told me and he said that he was waiting a little while longer because he wants them to be together for at least a year and a half before getting married."

" Well that's a good reason. Heck you and Tate dated for what almost two year or so and he just popped the question a few days ago."

" And do you remember Alicia?"

" Yeah I remember her! We are still friends actually."

" Well she is dating Daniel."

" Yeah I know that. I've known that for almost a year now."

" Oh my goodness! I knew they were dating because Tate told me but I didn't know they have been dating that long."

" Yeah I'm thinking they might get married soon?"

" Really? Oh by the way, Tate told me that you knew that he was gonna propose that day."

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it needed to be kept a secret. Plus in my defense I wasn't suppose to know but he kept acting really strange around you and me and I thought he was cheating. I asked him about it when you were late coming home on evening and he told me that he was gonna ask you to marry him. He was trying to figure out when and where. I gave him the idea of asking you the day we went to Warp Tour right before we left and he thought that was a grand idea."

" Wasn't that the night that you told me we were going to Warp Tour because we received free tickets?"

" Yeah it was. Tate didn't know what day we were going to Warp Tour until you got home and I told you."

" I was about to say when was gonna know what day to propose."

" Yeah I didn't think about that but I was glad I told you guys that night."

" Me too."

" Now how many bridesmaids are you gonna have?"

" Well I was gonna have each of my sisters be my bridesmaid and then have Lucy be my other brides maid."

" Have you asked her yet?"

" No not yet. I'm trying to think of when to ask everyone but I don't want to ask my sisters until I tell my parents because you know how mouthy they can be."

" Yeah I know. Hey, since I am your maid of honor how about I throw a little party for you and Tate and invite all the people you are gonna invite to the wedding and you guys can just pop the news and ask all the girls at the same time."

" That would be wonderful! But that means Tate and I need to hurry up and decide who we want to invite that way you can get everything planned for the party."

" Okay, but I won't throw the party until the day you guys want me to throw the party."

" Sounds good. Let's go ahead and make the invitation list for me and then we will get Tate to make his list tomorrow sometime."

" Let's do it! I'll get some paper and and a pen and you can tell me who you want to invite and I'll write it down."

" Okay I'm gonna get my phone so we can call Tate and make sure we are on the same page with who I invite and we might even see if he has his list in his mind yet."

Vi, Tate and I didn't get in the bed until after midnight. We made the lists for both sides of the family and then they decided that we would throw the party two weeks from the night we had date night here at the house. I fell into a deep sleep in Vi's room. I had a really bad dream, but I didn't need Vi or Andy to find out. They can't know my secret.

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