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" I'm doing fine Mr. Smith. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but can you please make this quick my date is waiting to take me on a date."

" Hm seems to me you haven't changed but I will indeed make this quick. There is someone who has been following you and has made several phone calls to you and to one you answered."

" Great I'm not with you everyday and you are monitoring me."

" You are still with us and we need to make sure that our members are taken care of."

" Look I know I have someone following me and everything okay and I've got this. When I need you I'll give you a call, but for now I want to go and have a relaxing evening."

" I understand Miss Parker. Just know we are here and ready for you when you are ready."

" Thanks Mr. Smith. Now let me go have a good evening or at least try."

" Goodbye for now Parker."

I hang up the phone and go back out to the living room. Everyone is looking at me but I already have an excuse.

" Sorry it took me a longer time than expected. My great aunt called me to see how things were going and everything. I had to make it short with her, but she understood."

" Oh okay." Vi told me.

" Ready now sweetie?"

" Yes I am."

" You two have a great evening. Andy we are expecting her back around ten so make sure she's home safe and sound." Tate says laughing.

" Geez thanks dad for a late curfew."

" Tate babe don't be mean. You have a great time and please return her in one piece I need her please."

" Will do." Andy replies.

" Tate...Vi...I will see you two later."

" Bye!" they both say before shutting the door.

Andy and I get into the car and made our way to the restaurant. By the time we get there it is almost eight and we stand in line for a few minutes. We get up to the lady and Andy tells her the name and she shows us the way to the table. We have the finest wine brought out to us and the finest lasagna made in town. Andy and I have had a great time.

Time lapse:

He brings me home around ten and we kiss at the door for a while.

" Andy I have had a wonderful time tonight. Thank you for taking me on this date."

" I have had a wonderful time as well Rain. Thank you for coming on the date with me and being me girlfriend."

 " Okay well I'll see ya later?"

 " Actually we might just be texting and calling. I have lots of business things to attend to tomorrow and Wednesday and maybe even Thursday. But I will definitely see you Friday here for date night."

 " Okay Andy. I have to get invitations made out and sent for their party and I might even be helping them get stuff ready and together for the wedding."

 " Alright baby. I love you and goodnight. Sleep tight my precious."

 " Good night Andy. Please text me when you get home so I know you made it home safely."

 " I will Rain good night. Tell Tate I'm sorry I didn't get you home as early as he would have liked me too."

" I will. Bye Andy."

I open the door to see Vi and Tate asleep on the couch. I carefully cover them up and turn out all the lights and went to bed myself. I make sure that my gun is in reach if I needed it. Sooner or later I would have to tell them my secret, but for now I need for them to worry about the wedding than to worry about some stalker stalking us. I feel bad for lying to them all, but hey it is for a good reason and I will make this up to all of them when everything was done and over with. Tomorrow I am gonna call the guys and get a case opened. 

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