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" Excuse me everyone...may I have your attention. I would like to go ahead and say my speech I have prepared for the bride and groom."

" Rain..." Vi whispers.

I ignore her and continue.

" Violet and Tate have been my friends for a long time and I've waited for the this day as much as they have. Vi and Tate have always had a love that was unbreakable and today they have shown that to all of you. Tate....you have always taken care of Violet and I thank you for that. Violet....you have always taken care of Tate and I thank you for that. I'm glad that you two have each other and I hope that you will always will be together. Thank you two for being there for me through thick and thin and never leaving me when I needed you. I have prepared a slideshow for the both of you with pictures from when you started dating to now. I knew you two would be together and I would like to show everyone how strong your love is."

I went over and turn on the slideshow and then sit down and let it play. I see Vi and Tate get a little teary eyed and I almost did as well.

Five minutes later when it was over, I go and turn it off and take out the CD and put it in a case. I go over to Vi and Tate and start talking again.

" Here you go Vi and Tate Walker....your love is unbreakable...don't let anyone ever change that. If everyone could raise their glasses and say with me, To Tate and Violet may your love infinitive and forever."

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