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Vi's Pov:

I am pacing the floors worried about Rain. I don't know what happened today and I didn't really want to know, but I want to know she is okay. Tate and Andy have been trying to get me to sit for ages now, but I refuse. I hear Rain's car pull up and I run to the door and open it. I see her and I run into her arms.

" Vi, I'm okay."

" No you're not. Look at your face...it's busted up and there is dried blood on you."

" I know Vi. I had a little fight seen with the stalker."

I take her inside and as soon as we walk in Andy and Tate come running up to help me. Andy carries her to the couch and I tell Tate to get the ice pack while I go and get the first aid kit. Andy holds her in his arms kissing her head. I can't believe that she is hurt.

Rain's Pov:

Andy is holding me in his arms while Vi and Tate go running to get things to fix my face. Vi comes back with the first aid and Tate comes back with the ice pack. Andy lets me go so Vi can doctor me up and as she did I tell them what happened.

" I'll kill him!" Tate exclaims.

" I'll beat him to death." Andy says.

" Let's calm down boys and let her finish."

" Well he's in jail right now and Smith is gonna make sure he either gets life or he gets death. I don't have to worry about it or ever going back for that matter."

" What? Why?" they all ask.

" I resigned. I realized that I was better when I left and I didn't get any nightmares about day's work. Plus there is more to life that catching criminals. I want to be here when you guys get married and be here when you bring your first little one home and I want to be in the child's life."

" I want you to be here too." Vi says in tears.

" I want you to be here." Tate says next.

"I definitely want you to be here as well." Andy says almost in tears as well.

" Well now that you all know that I'm okay, how about we go and eat dinner."

" Let's do it." they all say at once.

We all go into the kitchen as sat down at the table. Vi had made some baked chicken with green beans, potatoes, and mac&cheese. We all sit there and eat talking about the wedding. As I sit there I cherish the moment because this is the life. I hace the greatest best friend ever and the bestest guy friends ever and I also had the best boyfriend ever. Another thing is they all love me and don't want anything to happen to me.

After dinner Vi, Tate, and Andy clean up while I get a shower. I am sore and I am gonna be even more sore in the morning, but it was worth it because I protected my family from some killer on the loose.

Once I get out from showering Vi and Tate say their goodnights and get in the bed. I couldn't blame them for it had been a long day. Andy and I go to my bedroom and also got in the bed.

" Rain?"

" Yeah Andy."

" Are you sure you're okay?"

" I've never been better."

" Good. I'm glad you're not hurt that bad."

" Me too. Let's get some sleep."

" Okay."

Andy kisses me goodnight and we go to sleep.

" I love you Andy." I say so quietly as I fall into a deep sleep.

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