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Miss Lovegood's Pov:

" Okay ladies are we ready to get ready for a wonderful wedding?"

" Yeah kinda." all the ladies answer back.

" Why are we all looking bla? Smile...you all look very beautiful."

" Thanks." they all respond back to me.

" You know what we need? MUSIC! We need music. Someone please turn on some music."

" Gotcha Miss Lovegood." Rain says excitedly turning on what seems to be music Foxy listens to.

" Alright now everyone get your dress and my helpers will help you out."

They all get up and grab their dresses. We all start dancing and getting ready. I am enjoying these girls. They were all kind to me and my ladies and didn't really say no to anything we suggested. I am hoping that I could have these ladies again but who knows if any of them will get married any time soon though. I tell Violet that we would get the others ready before we get her ready because I would need some of my helpers to help me get her ready. She understands and watches as we get the others ready. I take Rain into another room because I want to talk to her about the building and what she plans on doing with it.

" Okay Miss Lovegood what do you need for me to do?"

" Well I'll pull the curtain back while you undress and then put the dress on then you can pull the curtain back and I'll make sure that the dress is on correctly and fix anything that needs to be fixed."

" Sounds good."

" So let's talk...what are you planning on doing with the building since you now own the place?"

" Well I would have turned it into something for the F.B.I., but I resigned. Then today when you gave me deed and you guys were doing our makeup..I realized that you guys were good at what you were doing sooo I'm gonna change it into a spa and makeup place."

" Really?"

" Yeah...I kinda figured that you would love that."

" Oh my..yes I would love that...I can't wait to see what you'll do with the place."

" Me neither."

" Okay now come out so I can help you...you seem to be having a hard time."

" Yeah I am."

Rain pulls the curtain back and I help her. Then we went back and made sure the other girls are done and taking care of. After we made sure all the bridesmaids are ready we start on Violet, the bride. 

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