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Jinxx's Pov:

I was hoping that the other girls liked Rain. I didn't want them to hate her because she is a cool girl just a little shy. I decided to get the conversation started by introducing Rain to all the girls.

" Rain this is Sammi, and that's Charlie, Grace, and Emily."

" Hi!" Sammi told Rain

" Hi! I love your name it's so pretty." Charlie said.

" HI!" Grace says.

" Hello it's so nice to meet you." Emily tells Rain.

" Hi, it's nice to finally get to meet all of you. I've heard so much about you guys. You are all so lucky to have such sweet boyfriends."

" Awww! Thanks girl. Sometimes they can be a bit hard headed." Grace says laughing.

" So are you and Andy together or are you guys just friends." Emily asks Rain.

" Well they have to be dating or they wouldn't of had been making out in the kitchen." Charlie says.

" Um, actually we aren't dating." Andy tells the girls.

" Sorry Andy we kinda didn't tell them much about Rain." Jake tells Andy.

" Oh, it's okay. I would rather tell them about myself than have someone else tell someone about me." Rain replies.

" Well tell us about yourself." Sammi says.

" Well my first name is Maddie but I go by Rain. I'm nineteen years old and a college student studying psychology. I write stories and songs and I love listening to music."

" Well I think that we have ourselves a keeper." Charlie says.

" That's so cool!" Emily tells Rain.

" She's a good kisser." Andy says out loud.

" Thanks Andy." Rain replies back.

" Oh my goodness! Let me just say how good this pizza is! I have never in all my years had a pizza this good!" CC says very excitedly.

" I'm glad you like it CC...Andy and I worked very hard on these pizzas."
Rain replies back.

" Looks to me that you guys were working hard on your kissing more than the pizzas." Ashley jokingly says.

" Oh Ashley you are just jealous that you don't have her." Andy says making everyone laugh.

" Nope I don't need her because I have found Mrs. Outlaw and I am quite happy in life." Ashley replys back to Andy.

" AWWW! BABE! I LOVE YOU!" Charlie shouts hugging Ashley.

" See what I mean." Ashley mouths to everyone.

We all laughed.

" Okay Ashley and CC, you two promised you would clean up the kitchen before you guys took your girls home." I tell the guys.

" Um no we didn't." CC tells me.

" Well too bad cause you can't leave until you clean the kitchen." I tell him.

" CC man we might as well go clean the kitchen or Mama Jinxx is gonna get on to us when the girls aren't around." Ashley tells CC motioning for him to get up and help him clean the kitchen.

" See Rain I told you that I could get them to clean the kitchen with my magic."

" So you did Jinxx congratulations." she replies back.

All the sudden we hear Ashley scream from the kitchen:


We all laugh and get up to help them clean the kitchen.

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