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 Time lapse two weeks later:

It has been two weeks now since the night I told everyone my secret. Nothing has happened so far and we can't seem to get any information of the suspect. I am trying not to think about it because today is the day of the party. Everyone I have sent invitations to, R.S.V.P.ed back to me saying they would be here. I am so happy that everyone was coming, but the only thing is that I need to set out food and decorate the house just a little bit. I have gotten up early so I can get started that way Vi and Tate could sleep in just a little bit before they had to get ready. I decide to set out some chips and dip, fruits of all kind and then some desserts if anyone wanted something sweet.

" Hey you."

" Morning Tate. Sleep well?"

" Yeah I slept great. What about you? I know you didn't go to bed until late."

" I slept fine and I know I didn't go to bed until late I was up working and getting some of the case worked on."

" How's that going? You got anything on the stalker yet?"

" Not much, but it's getting there."

" Yeah. So what do we have here?"

" Food for the party. Oh, can you please help me get some of the decorations set up?"

" Sure."

" Okay let's take these and put them in the living room and then I'll take the balloons and put them on the mailbox."

" Great now everyone in the neighborhood will know that we are getting married."

" Please everyone will find out eventually and the balloons are just a plain color nothing special."

" Oh okay."

Tate and I get the decorations set up when Vi gets up. She helps us finish up and then her and Tate head to get ready. We have an hour before everyone is suppose to show up and then once everyone arrived they would tell the good news. Tate and Vi almost have everything ready for the wedding. The cake was ordered, the restaurant has provided us with two choices for a main meal and some side dishes, and we have all the drinks and things bought. Vi is finished getting ready and so is Tate, in just a knick of time too, for the first pair of guest had arrived.

" I'll get the door."

" Okay but first how do we look?"

" Like you are about to tell everyone about you two getting married."

" Good."

" Welcome welcome! Come on in."

" Hello Rain. How are you?" Tate's mom asked.

" I'm good Mrs. Walker. How are you?"

" Never better, but do you mind tell me what's going on."

" I can't but you will know as soon as the other guest arrive."

" Okay."

" Hello my darling! How are you?"

" I'm good Mrs. Clarke. How are you?"

" Good but I need to use the restroom."

" You know where it is. Please everyone make yourself at home and there is some food and drinks in the kitchen."

A few minutes later, more people have shown up and within twenty minutes almost everyone invited has showed up.

" Rain is everyone here yet?"

" Almost everyone we are waiting for my parents and one of your sisters, but I think everyone else is here. If you want get my clipboard and pass it around and get everyone to check off by their name."


Twenty minutes later, my parents and Vi's sister showed up. I am about to tell Vi that we can gather everyone in the living room when there is a knock at the door. I open it to see Andy standing there with some wine in his hands.

" Hey babe! I knew the party was today so I decided to stop by and say hi. I brought some wine."

" That's fine Andy, but I haven't told my parents about us yet so this will be a double surprise for them."

" Oh well."

" I'm saying. Anyways come on in and let me tell Vi that we can get everyone together."

" Okay I will come with so I can give the wine to her and Tate."

" VI! Hey everyone has arrived so when ever you and Tate are ready let me know."

" Okay Rain. Oh, hey Andy it's nice to see you. It's been awhile."

" Yeah I know the guys and I have been busy and I know Rain has been busy as well."

" I'm telling you ever since she told us her secret she has been nonstop working."

" Well you gotta get things done if ya wanna get paid."

" True."

" Before I forget about this wine, this is for you and Tate. My little wedding gift to you both."

" OH! Andy! Thank you so much."

" No problem. Now if you'll excuse me I see chips and dip and I'm a little hungry."

" Go right ahead and if the drinks are getting low there is more the the fridge. MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME."

I head to my bedroom and get my camera so I can record them announcing the surprise. I am almost done with their wedding gift. All I need are some pictures of them in their dress and tux and then some pictures of them at the church with bridesmaids and best men and I would be done. All the sudden I hear Vi shout " IF WE CAN ALL MAKE OUR WAY AROUND IN THE LIVING ROOM TATE AND I WILL TELL YOU WHY WE HAVE ALL GATHERED YOU HERE TODAY!" That's my cue.

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