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Tate's Pov:

The song is playing and after a minute Vi and her dad come out. She is beautiful and her dress is beautiful. I know I am breathless and I believe some of the women are as well. Vi and her father walk up and Vic asks:

" Who gives this woman to this man?"

" Her mother and I do." her dad replies.

She kisses her father's cheek and he sits down next to her mother. Vi comes up closer to me. While Vic starts talking and saying all things that priests are supposed to say Vi and I stare at each other.

Man she is so beautiful and her eyes are just...WOW...and she...she is perfect.

Then Vic asks if we had any vows and we both nod. Vi asks me to start so I do.

" Violet Grace Clarke...I will always take you and make sure you get everything you need. Violet...you became my best friend back in middle school and then asked you to be my girlfriend. We dated for the longest time and everyday I told myself that you were the one. I could be myself around you and you never tried to change me. I love you Violet Grace Clarke and I always will no matter what happens I will always be by your side and I won't let anything bad happen to you. If anyone tries to hurt you they are gonna have to get through me first."

Violet is almost in tears, but to stop herself from crying she starts her vow.

" Tate Orlando Walker...I will always love you through thick and thin. You took care of me, you made me smile when I was down, and you made me laugh when I was mad. When you asked me to be your girlfriend I was so happy....I remember going home and screaming so loudly " He asked me out! He asked me out!" over and over again. I knew you were the one for me when you were there for me when others hurt me and I didn't want to talk to anyone. You always turned my bad days into good days and you never asked me to change who I was. I love you Tate Orlando Walker and I will always make sure you are loved and taken care of and if anyone tries to hurt you they are gonna have to go through me and Rain before they can get to you."

After she says that I am almost in tears. Vic asks for the rings and Clark brings forth the rings. I take Vi's ring and she takes mine and we place the rings on each other's finger.

" In the power invested by me by the state of New York I now pronounce you man and wife....you may now kiss the bride."

I grab Vi and I kiss her. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. Once we finished kissing, I grab her hand and we walk back down the aisle. Everyone follows us outside of the church after the bridesmaids and the best men walk out. Rain runs up to us and gives us the car keys and tells us to head back to the house and get ready for the after party.

Vi and I get inside the car as everyone throws rice at the car.

" Finally we are Mr. and Mrs. Walker." I tell Vi.

" Finally." she tells me.

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