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Rain's Pov:

I get up the next morning around six. When I go into the kitchen I turn on the coffee for Vi and Tate and fix my breakfast. I hear the door being unlocked and opened. I grab my gun from the drawer and wait beside the wall. The person walks from the door all the way to the kitchen-I turn and point my gun right into the face of Vi's brother.

" What the hell Rain?"

" Why are you here butt?"

" I do have a name and I'm here to fix the lawn."

" Well Jack the lawn is already fixed. Your sister and her fiance and me and my boyfriend fixed the lawn when you didn't show up."

" Look I'm sorry I didn't fix it that day or the next day okay I was busy."

" With what Jack. You let me down and your sister down. What could have been so important not to show up and fix your mess? Damn you don't even have the audacity to call and explain to us."

" I know it's bad but I had a little problem and it needed to be taken care of."

" What was the problem for it took three weeks or more to fix?"

" Someone is threatening me and wanting money?"

" Wait what?"

" Yeah and they told me if I didn't give the money then they would come after Vi until they got the money?"

" Let me ask you a question Jack....who is this person and why did they need this money?"

" I don't know okay, but I do know one thing they are determined and they don't stop until they get what they want."

" Okay that's it! I'm going to get ready for work and you are coming with me."

" Why? Can't I stay here and make I'm sorry breakfast for my sister?"

" You are gonna come with me so you can help us catch this guy. It has to be the same guy that is calling and threatening me."

" WHAT?"

" Shhhh! Don't wake up Vi and Tate. I'll be back in two minutes be ready to go."

I am done with this person and they are gonna stop threatening and interfering with my family's lives. I go and get ready and I also got files that I had gathered. I walk out and motion for Jack to come; we walk out the door and get in my car. He decides to have a conversation so I go along and talk.

" Rain, I am very sorry for not calling at all. I know I should have called and told you something, but I figured you guys would have told me to get over it and be a man or you wouldn't believe me."

" Jack let me stop you there. We would have believed you....no matter what we would have believed you. Now we are here and I need you to cooperate with me and any other agent in here."

" Okay I will, but I won't have to do anything right?"

" All you will have to do is answer any questions, if we need you to."

" Okay Rain."

Jack and I walk in and I show them my badge and identification. Mr. Smith walks over to me and I tell him what is going on. He immediately gets our team together and we meet in our old conference room. It is good to be back, but we have a job to do.

" What's going on? What do we have?" a man asks.

" I don't know I'm not the one with a case." a woman answers.

" Morning everyone. Where is my team like only two people are here?" Mr. Smith says.

" They are not here yet Smith but-"

" Here we are. Smith what do we got?" another woman asks as she and another guy walk in.

" We have a case that we need to work on but first I would like to introduce you to Agent Rain Parker."

" Hi. I've worked here for a while but I've been on vacation let's get this case over with please."

" Rude much?"

" No. I'm the nicest person you will ever meet I just miss my old team."

" Sorry about that." one of the girls comments.

" It's not your fault, but we better get this case over with."

" Okay....fine..."

" What do we have?" Smith asks.

I tell them everything that I know and they agree that we need to catch this guy. I tell them about the warehouse and how I am suppose to meet him there. We create a mission that way I could show with with no one with me, but they still be there. Then after we created a mission plan we take Jack to the interrogation room and ask him some questions. We almost have everything in order and are ready to move out. The only thing I have to do was call the guy and arrange a meeting day. Boy is this gonna be some mission to complete.

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