andley: Sick

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I lifted my eyelids with a moan.
My head throbbed and my body ached.

I felt as if I would throw up my insides and I shook like a single leaf on a branch in a hurricane.

I snuggled into Andy's warm body and close my eyes.
He was so warm and adorable when he slept.

I fell into a light sleep that lasted for about 20 minutes.
I couldnt hold it down anymore.

I shot out of bed as fast as a rocket and dashed toward the bathroom.

I tripped over a wire from Andys hairdrier and fell to my knees hard.

I clutched the cool toliet bowel with my clammy hands and vomited hard.

Everything I ate from the last few hours came out, emptying my stomach.

I felt a gentle tug on my hair, and a kiss on my head.
Than I felt a hand rubbing my back.

I shivered.
"Shh its okay baby, get it all up. shh.." Andys voice coos.

I vomit several times before finally finishing.
I snuggled into Andy, shaking.

Andys arms tighten around me and he rocks me back and forth gently with his nose burried into my hair.

"Poor baby. Your so warm and your shaking like a leaf lets get you back to bed." He murmurs picking me up bridal style.

I bury my face into his white muscle tee as he flushed the toliet.
Then he carries me back into the bedroom and lays me in bed.

He pulls the blankets over me and kisses my forehead.
He cringed.

"Ouch, your burning up baby." He frowned.
"I feel shitty. " I frown back.

"Poor Kitten." He says, stroking my hair.
"I hate being sicky." I pout, I was always whiny when I got sick, but Andy could tough it out usually.

He leaves me alone and I frown.
"Where are you going?"I question pouting.

"To run you a bath sweetie. " he says from the bathroom.
I could hear the rumble of water.

"Can you make it nice and warm? " I call put groggily, wiping my nose with my arm.

"Im sorry baby it has to be cool, so that your fever will go down."
I sigh. I didnt want to move and get in cold water to freeze.

Andy comes back out and helps me out of bed.
I was too weak to walk so he carries me into the bathroom.

He shuts the door and began to take my clothes off.
I was so sweaty that my shirt peeled off because it was stuck to my back.

When I was naked Andy held my hand as he sat me into the tub.
I shiver.

It wasn't that cold but it wasn't the kind of temperature youd like to shower in.

He turned off the water and threw my clothes into the hamper.
I put my head against the wall and sigh.

I felt horrible.
Andy sat on the toliet next to the tub and dipped a cloth into the water. He smiled a crooked smile and began to wipe my face gently.

It felt so heavenly.
"Poor baby, your as green as shrek."

I laughed at that.
After a few minutes of him wiping my face down he began washing my body.

I sat, shivering as he smoothed the bar of soap over my arms, body, chest, etc.

He washed my hair as well and after that, I felt a wave of sickness wash over me again.

"B..bucket. " I stammer with a gag.
Andy grabs the garbage pale, a small, black bucket with a plastic bag inside.

It didn't have anything in it because just last night I cleaned it out.

I snatched it out of his grip and puked.
Andy soothed me as I was sick.

When I finished, Andy took the bucket, cleaned it and put it back in the place it had always been.

Then he received a fresh towel from the rack.
He helped me up and wrapped it around me.

He brought me to the bed and put a sweater and sweat pants on me.

Than he brushed out my damp hair, and tied it into a messy bun to keep it from getting me wet.

He lied me down and pulled the covers over me.
"Im going to get some tylenol okay? Stay there." He says.

I nod and watch as he dissapeared down the hall.
He came back moments later with a plastic cup and a hand of Tylenol.

He sat on the bed next to me.
He handed me 4 tylenol and the cup of water.

I popped them in my mouth shakily.
"These should help with your fever and help you sleep." He says as I sip the water.

When I finish he places the cup down and gets in bed next to me.

I snuggled into him.
He kissed my forehead and I shut my eyes.

He began to sing you and by one direction.
Did he even like 1d?

I didn't know but I didn't care because his voice so beautiful and warm as melted carmel put me to sleep in a matter of minutes.

"I love you Ashley. " I heard him whisper as I fade into darkness.

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