Phan: baby on board

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"Dan I swear to the love of god I hate you so much. "Phil yelps squeezing the handle of the hospital bed as a contraction hit him.

"I know Phil, you told me that since we got here which was like 14 hours ago!" Dan sighs.

"Well im making sure you know because im the one going to push out a human being while your standing there looking pretty. "

Dan rolls his eyes, "You whine too much"

Phil growls, "hmm dan I wonder why? Lets see maybe it is because I am IN LABOR L A B O R im having contractions, im having unbelievable pressure down there because the baby is pushing down with every contraction, and I am about to push something the size of a watermelon out of my ass!"

"TMI Much?" Dan wanted to say, but didn't.
Instead he just rubbed his boyfriends back and kissed his cheek.

"Im sorry baby, its just that im exhausted, scared, thrilled and horrified at the same time."

"I know, I can't believe that were about to bring our princess into the world" Phil smiles.

Suddenly the nurse comes through the door with a smile.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing? " She says cheerfully slipping on rubber gloves and sitting on the stool in front of Phils bed.

"Horrible. It hurts!" Hs whines.
"I know honey, just think, youll have your beautiful baby in your arms soon." The nurse says pulling up the blanket to Phils spread legs.

Phil winced as she poked the stick inside him.
"You are 5 centimeters Phil! Your almost there!" She smiles.

"No im not."Phil whines.
"You are still able to get an epidural honey. If you would like. "

"No. No drugs"
"Okay hun. Just relax, if you need anything just page me with the nurse button"she smiles.

"Okay" phil and dan both say at the same time.
"OOOOOOH! Dan!!!!!" Phil gasps shutting his eyes and groaning aloud in pain.

"I know baby, just breathe through the contraction."

"Your 9 centimeters honey you can start pushing when you feel the need to which is most likely on the next contraction.

Dan felt Phil squeeze his hand hard, dan yelped.
Phil pushed lightly.

He threw his head back against the pillow with a gasp.

"Oh honey, im afraid youll have to push harder than that."

Phil grumbled.

Another contraction came and Phil pushed harder.
"Good job phil!" The nurse cried.

Phil threw his head back in a moan.


- 1 hour after pushing -
Everything was set up for the babies arival.
Tools that looked like tinh touchre machines to Dan, some blue drape over Phils legs and one on his chest, a pillow under his bum to make pushing eaiser, he had a nurse on the side of him holding one leg and Dan holding the other.

He also had an oxygen mask on his face, his breathing was abnormally high.

"OWWWWWIEEEE!! I WANT DRUGSS!!!!!" Phil screams.

"Im so sweetheart its too late, the babies already crowning, yku need to push." The nurse says.

Phil feels the urge to push so he does.


"Come on baby, shes almost here," Dan says planting a single kiss on his sweaty forehead.

Phil pushes hard.
"Good job phil, hold in that push! Push push push! " The nurse says getting ready for the baby whos head pops out of phil.

"FUCK!!" Phil yells.

"The heads out Phil! She has a beautiful headful of hair! I bet if you push as hard and as long as you can the baby will slide right out."

Phil nods with a sob and curls into one last giant push.
Phil screamed as the body slid out into the hands of the doctor.

There was suspenseful silence for several moments before a screech was heard.

"Its a boy! Congratulations! " she says placing the screaming baby on Phils chest.

Phils emotions were everywhere so he just stared at his baby with tears spilling down his cheeks.

"My baby!" He bawls.
"Hes beautiful. I can't believe we have a son instead! " Dan cries.

Suddenly the nurse takes the newborn away.
"where are you taking him? Give me back my baby!" Phil gasps.

"There just going to clean him and run some tests honey." Dan says stroking his boyfriends sweaty hair.

"Oh, okay as long as they bring him back"

"So what are you naming him?"the nurse asks.

"For a girl we were thinking Jenive clare but since we had a boy we chose the one we had in mind before we became parents. Which is Benjamin Francis. "

Benjamin Francis born June 29th at 5:30pm weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces.

Hey guys hope you liked! :)

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