First diaper change and bath: Candy

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"Oh jesus Andy, I can't you do it" CC retched, the smell do him was as putrid as his boyfriends cooking.

"Me?! No thanks" Andy says.
"Um excuse me, Last time I checked, you weren't the mother, you weren't the one who carried 2 babies for 9 months, dealing with morning sickness, cravings, sensitive nipples, stretchmarks, sensitive swollen feet and toes, and you certainly didn't have to push out 2 babies!" CC snaps.

"I had to deal with you didn't I?" Andy asks.
CC hits Andy in the head, "shut up and clean them."

Andy groans.
"Your going to have to change them sooner or later you know" he says unbuckling Bentleys diaper.

"Of course, but not right now, im sore and tired,"
Andy gagged tossing the dirty diaper in the trash.

"Your such a pussy" CC laughs.
"Shut up. " Andy grumbled wiping Bentley clean with a baby wipe.

"Oh for the love of..."

"Bentley just spit up on himself. " he growled.
CC sighed, "ill go get the tub ready."

************5 minutes later*********
"Oh come on Bentley," Andy grumbled wiping his baby gently.
Bentley was screeching at the top of his lungs.

He was flailing his arms and kicking his little feet.
CC saw his teeny fists clenched in anger.

"Oh for god sakes Andy move." CC says.
Andy gently lets CC take over.

"Shhhh...shh its okay Bentley, mommys here, shh" He coos.
Bentley continues to cry but calms down after a few moments.

"Show off."Andy growls.
CC sticks his tounge out teasingly.

"Your such a butt cheek Christian"
"And your a meathead Andrew"

Andy smiles rolling his eyes playfully.
"There now, its okay pumpkin, Mommy got you" CC coos gently washing his newborn son.

"Does Amelia need a bath?" CC asks.
"I dont think so, im pretty sure Ash wiped her off when she was born, she is asleep anyway." Andy says looking in on his newborn daughter. She was currently wearing pink footie pajamas and hello kitty baby mittens Ashley had bought for them.

"Where is Ashley anyway? " CC asks takin his son out of the baby tub and lying him on a towel.

"Asleep probably. "
Ashley came with them back to the house to observe CC and the babies for the next 24 hours. Since CC had delivered them only last night.

"Can you pass me those blue pooh bear footie pjs Jinxx gave us there in the top drawer." CC asks putting powder on his baby.

Andy nods.
Suddenly, Bentleys lips curved into a smile as if he was laughing.

"What's so funny? " CC asks the way yu would to a baby.
Bentley opened his mouth in a huge smile and squeaked.

"Hes laughing at you meathead" Andy says handing CC the pjs.
"Nah, I think I know why" CC smirks

"Daddy looks funny doesn't he pumpkin? " CC coos.
Bentley squeaked again.

"Hey!" Andy cries.
"He was born 13 hours ago and already he knows how to burn someone. " CC laughs buckling his sons footies.

"He learns from the best." Andy smirks.
Suddenly, Ashley walks in.

"Hey mama and papa bear hows it going?"
CC picks up Bentley, placing a pacifier in his mouth.

Bentley sucks on it happily.
"Both babies look exactly like you CC" he smiled admiring the newborn.

"Does not!" Andy pouts.
"Does to! Hes got everything so does Amelia, CCs nose, lip shape, eye shape and eyebrows look! He looks exactly like his mommy."Ashley says.

"Whatever" Andy grumbled.
"Someones a bit snippy" Ashley smiles gesturing towards Andy.

"I am not! Im just tired." Andy says.
"Go lie down sweetie, ill stay up." CC says.

"No, you need the rest, you look horrible. " Andy says.
CC did, he was pale, he had deep Purple bags under his brown eyes, his eyes were blood shot, his hair was a matted mess in a bun and he looked a bit green.

"Hey!" CC cries.
"Im kidding you look beautiful baby" Andy smiles.

"I love you. " CC smiles kissing Andys lips.
"I love you both"

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