Malec: Labor

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Alec awoke to Chairman meow rubbing up against the bottom of his feet.

He noticed that Magnus wasn't in bed with him.
"Hey chairman meow" Alec says sleepily, petting the cat.

Chairman meow let out a yowl in response and lied on his back, obviously wanting a belly rub.

Alec didn't give the cat what he wanted, so Chairman Meow scoured at him.

"Wheres Magnus?" He asks.
The cat chirped, jumped off the bed and started down the hall, looking back to see if Alec was following, which he was.

He stopped outside the bathroom door and yowled.
Magnus was definitely in there, he heard some sort of heavy breathing.

"Magnus?" Alec knocks lightly twice.
No answer.

"Magnus im coming in" Alec announced and opened the door.
He found Magnus on the toliet, lid down, sweating heavily and looking a shade of palesh green.

He caughg sight of him rubbing his giant baby bulge and swallowed.

"Magnus, your in labor aren't you?" Alec asks.
"Uhmmm..yeah...I guess you could say that. " he gave a pained smile.

"Magnus why didn't you tell me baby? "
"I didn't want to be a bother darling."

"Magnus, dont even say that I love you. How far along are the contractions? "

"Umm...five minutes"
"Oh wow they are really close together. " Alec gasps, placing a hand on his boyfriends back.

" comes another one I think..." he cringes squeezing his boyfriends hand.

He felt Magnus' body tense into a long contraction.
"Ooooooh," he hisses between gritted teeth.

"Thats it Baby, just breathe. " Alec coos.
"Ouch." He says.

The contraction fades and Magnus sits up straight.
"Carry me back to bed darling?" He asks.

Alec nods, "yeah, of course honey" and picks up his pregnant boyfriend bridal style.

Chairman meow was still outside the door, he yowled as they walked by.

"How come your so calm? Isn't labor supposed to hurt?" Alec asks walking down the hall.

"Yes, but I have gotten into alot more painful situations, but I think delivering is going to hurt me even more." Magnus says.

Alec lies his boyfriend onto the bed.
"Im going to nap." He says simply.
********************5 hours later*****************

"OHHHH GOD!" Magnus yells.
Alec jumps out f his skin.

He hadn't heard Magnus yell like this before.
"Magnus baby whats wrong?" Alec frowns.

He looks over at his boyfriend to see him on his knees, his face was beaded with sweat and his face was blood red.

"Magnus..." Alec squeaks seeing that Magnus had towels, scissors, a blanket, and other things beside him.

"There getting closer, unghhh! Darling, hold my hand, I need to push. " He pants.

Alec shook his head.
"No Alec wait." He says.

Alec places a towel beneath Magnus' trembling legs.
He than dipped a cloth into the metallic bowl beside him filled with water, he wrigned it out and placed it on the sweaty mans forehead.

He took Magnus' hand in his and smiled.
"Im here baby, im here."

Magnus smiled a wry painful smile.
Alec kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He felt Magnus tighten his grip on Alecs hand.
"I have to start pushing darling, the baby, shes right there I feel her." He moans.

Alec rolls up Magnus' shirt to see the top of their babies head.
"Yeah, shes right there, go ahead."

Magnus squeezed his eyes shut and pushed as hard as he could.
"UNGHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! "He yells as he feels the babies head press against his rim.

"Come on baby. You can do it," Alec smiles.
"Ungh!" He cries as he bares down into another push.

"Magnus hold it in as long as you can, shes coming out faster that way" Alec says feeling beneath Magnus.

Magnus' face turns purple as he pushes as hard as he could.
"OH GOD HONEY I CANT IT HURTS! " Magnus screams.

"Yes you can, come on, the heads almost out." Alec says.
Magnus pushes again this time sobbing as the head begins to peek out.

"Harder baby harder."
Magnus pushes harder and the head pops out.

"The heads out baby feel!" Alec gasps.
Magnus feels his babys head and his heart began to beat hard against his chest.

"Our baby! " he sobs.
"One last push Magnus come on."

Magnus pushes one last time and suddenly the air fills with loud cries.

Alec hands Magnus his baby from underneath and sits next to him and his daughter.

He watched in awe as Magnus' fingertip sparkles.
"Who needs scissors?"he smiled.

The cord pops off.
Alec smiled.

"What should we name her?" Alec asks.
"Ivy Ray."

"I like it"

Ivy Ray Bane born at 6:35pm on January 15th.

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