Cinxx: Confessions

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Song for this imagine: heart by heart by demi Lovato

"Jinxx, please tell me whats wrong?" CC asks placing a hand on his friends shoulder, he felt him tense and frowned.

"Jinxx please, you ran off from sound check so fast I thought you were hurt or something. " CC says.

Jinxx shook his head, "No, no that wasn't it, im fine."

CC sighs, "Thats good then, but I don't understand why you ran off like that. Are you sick? Do you want to go home?"

Jinxx inhaled a shaky breath, "No." He replied.

"Then what, what is up with you man? You know you can tell me anything." CC says.

Jinxx turned to face CC, his eyes glistened as if there were tears in them and the way he was breathing, CC thought he'd burst into tears although he wasn't sure why.

"I can't tell sorry" he says, his voice cracked.

"Why not?  We're bros, we always have been, and we always tell eachother everything. Remember?  We made that promise?" CC asks.

Jinxx looked as if what CC had just said, hurt him, and CC frowned.

"What? What did I say?"

Jinxx heaves in a breath, as if holding back a sob and rubs his face with his hands.

"I cant tell you...because I can't tell you.."

CC was flustered. "That makes no sense Jinxx."

"I fucking know it didn't Christian!" He cries.

CC felt as if he had just been slapped across the face.

Jinxx saw CC's expression and immedieatly regretted yelling at him.

"Im sorry...I didn't mean to yell at you.." Jinxx says softly.

CC didn't reply, he was looking at his feet and felt annoyed at Jinxx for hiding whatever he was hiding from him.

"Cee?" Jinxx chokes.

"I thought we were friends, I thought you trusted me, I thought you could tell me anything, but apparently not. " CC scoffs.

"CC.." Jinxx croaks.

CC didn't reply, he stayed completely silent ignoring Jinxx.

"I..I wish I could tell you.." Jinxx says with a shaky breath.

"Yeah right. " CC scoffs beginning to walk away.

"CC,  wait!" Jinxx cries.

CC doesn't listen.



"CC, I like you!" Jinxx cries.

That...made CC stop, freeze in place, in complete shock.

It took him a moment for him to turn around and start walking towards Jinxx again.

Jinxx stood in complete shock, horrified of what CC would do to him as he approached.

"What did you say?" CC asks.

Jinxx swallowed the golfball sized lump in his throat, his hands shook and became clammy, his legs shook and his heart raced as CC stood, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I..I don't just like you...I..I love you Cee, and, I..I saw you flirting with that girl...and I was jealous and I was afraid loosing you to her. Thats why I ran off." Jinxx stammered.

CC stood speechless, he opened his mouth to speak but no words would come out.

Jinxx burst into tears, CC hated him now.

"See? This is why I didn't want to tell you! Because of our friendship, you hate me now!" Jinxx bawls and turns away.

But CC grabbed his arm and pulled him in, turned him around and kissed him.

It was a clash of tounge, teeth and lips, forceful, sloppy and full of love.

Jinxx tasted salt from his tears, and the taste of CC's tounge, mint, apples and salt, he savored it.

CC pulled Jinxx in closer, wrapping his arms tighter around his waste.

He traced the shape of Jinxx's lips with his own,and then bit and tugged gently at Jinxx's lower lip.

Jinxx groaned silently into CC's mouth as he did this and squeezed his arms.

Jinxx didn't want to stop, he never wanted to stop kissing this man, ever, it was an amazing feeling, like electricity through his veins and a delightful numb feeling throughout his body.

It was almost as if CC was taking control of his body, touching his soul.

Their faces were so close as they kissed, there noses collided,  and CC's eyelashes brushed oh so gently across his cheek, they were as soft as feathers against his flesh.

Jinxx shivered as CC slid his cold hands up his shirt and crept on the skin of his warm back.

The kiss grew rougher and sexier,  and Jinxx was tempted to tear the clothes off CC and make love to him right here, in the bathroom of the O2 arena.

It took everything in him to pull away from CC.

CC was frozen, amazed, he had never kissed a guy before,  was never interested in guys, and never would have thought he would ever kiss Jinxx, but Suprisingly, without knowing it,  deep down he had feelings for Jinxx too.

"I..uh..we should get back to rehearsal. " Jinxx stammered.

"Uh..yeah..we should." CC laughs tucking a strand of hair behind his ear nervously.

Jinxx smiles, reachs up onto his tiptoes and places a kiss on CCs nose.

CC smiles down at Jinxx.

"Lets go."Jinxx says and then leaves,  CC followed behind him.

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