Malec: baby #2 ( labor)

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Update: I mentioned Hodge here and the only reason I did was because I wrote this before I knew about Hodge being who he was so please don't get mad at me that he was in here. ♥

3 hours later......

Alec had brought Magnus to the institute because Magnus seemed off, he wasn't sure what to do.

He left Ivy Ray with Hodge at their house.
Magnus was getting weaker by the minute.

Izzy, Clary, Jace and Simon walk in to find Magnus lying in bed, his face beaded with sweat and his face a shade of palesh green, he gave a wry smile as they walk in.

They all gather around him in curiosity.
" tired.." Magnus stammered shutting his eyes and wincing in pain.

"No! Magnus do not leave us do you hear me?!" Jace demanded.
Magnus bit his lip in pain and breathes heavily through his nose.
"Somethings definitely wrong," Jace says checking the baby with the ultrasound.

"What? What is it?" Alec cries, eyeballing the screen.
"I cant seem to find a heartbeat. "

Magnus and Alecs eyes fill with tears as they listen to a heart beat that wasn't there.

"It may be a still birth.."

Alec bursts into a sob.

Suddenly a tiny heartbeat is heard.

Alec and Magnus gasps in joy.

"Its weak but there," Jace says.

Everyone else looked at Magnus and Alec with a smile.

Suddenly, Magnus ' eyes roll back into his head and he goes into some sort of seizure.

"MAGNUS! " Clary screamed.


"I have no idea what the hell is happening but we need to get the baby out now." Jace demanded as the others rushed around for tools.

Magnus had stopped having a seizure but was weaker than ever.
Once everything was Set up, Jace told Magnus to push.

Izzy held Magnus' leg, Simon held the other, Alec stayed next to Magnus making sure he was safe.

Clary was with Jace helping him.

"Okay Magnus, push on the count of 3, 1...2...3... push!"
Magnus curls his body into a small push.

"Harder Magnus! "
He pushes as hard as he could, but he was too weak.

"This isn't working, we need to cut open his stomach and get the baby out that way." Jace demanded.

Clary went wide eyed.
"Jace you can't!"

"I have to! Or else the baby and Magnus could die.

"How dangerous is it?" Alec swallowed hard with tears in his eyes.

"It could kill him, or it could save him, theres no way to tell." Jace explained.

"GET HIM OUT NOW!" Magnus screams.

Alec stroked Magnus' hair and nodded with tears spilling down his cheeks.

"Magnus this is going to hurt like hell but it will be over soon I promise," Jace nods.

Everyone stares in horrific awe as Jace cuts open Magnus' bump.

Magnus screams in agony.

"OHH GOD,...G..GE..GET MY BABY...OUT!" Magnus screams.

Magnus gazed at his open stomach in horrific awe, he could almost see his insides.

"Hodge, something happened to the baby, We had to go with emergency surgery, without any medication, Magnus was too weak to push." Simon breathes heavily through the phone he held in his hand.

"Almost there" Jace says cutting deeper.

"GAAHHHHH, IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP! " screams bloody murder.

"Almost there baby, stay with me!"Alec says planting a single kiss on his sweaty forehead.

"Izzy! Hodge needs you to make a position to heal Magnus and keep him alive" Simon says.

"Lets go" she says.

Simon and Izzy leave the room.

After 5 minutes of tourchering poor Magnus to get the baby,Jace pulls the baby out.

"Its a boy" he smiles holding the bloody baby in his bloody hands.

They waited for the baby to cry but he didn't.

Jace tapped him on his back multiple times, and the excruciating silence was filled with shrieks of the newborn.

Magnus smiled weakly, "my baby"
Jace handed him his baby.

"My beautiful baby." Magnus grins weakly.

Alecs heart began to pound when Magnus kept repeating those exact words over and over again and suddenly stopped, and his eyes were lifeless.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO BABY PLEASE NO!" Alec screeches.

Jace gave the baby to Clary who was In shock and got up with Alec who was crying and screaming.


Jace began CPR when Simon and izzy stepped in with a giant needle with some glowing potion in it.

"Oh..oh my god" Simon gasps.


Simon went to comfort him.

"Move aside, this will help."Izzy says and jabbed it into the dead warlocks flesh.

She smiles and pulls away, "stitch him up Jace, Simon go fill one of those fluid bags with the potion! Now!"
Several days later
Magnus was alive thanks to his friends and boyfriend, he was stitched up and cleaned, he had an iv with the potion flowing through his veins, and he was healing fast.
The baby was healthy, 7 pounds an 12 ounces born January 24th at 2:10pm.
They made Clary and Jace the godparents and named the baby Bentley Joseph Bane.

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