Malec: Mood Swings, Cravings and morning sickness

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Alec awoke to the sounds of loud dry heaving coming from the hall.
He groaned, this was the way he was woken up for several days now.

He got to his feet tossing his blankets aside.

He walked down the hallway and as Alec approached the bathroom he saw chairman meow sitting by the door, looking worried about his owner. He chirped as he saw Alec, as if indicating that Magnus wasn't well.

He bent down next to Magnus, and rubbed his back soothingly.
Magnus dry heaved again but nothing came out.

He let out a shaky breath as he fell against Alec,  his whole body shook like a single leaf in a hurricane.

Alec placed a single kiss on Magnus' head, his hair was soaked with sweat as well as his face, it was shiny with it and his hair stuck to it.

"Maggie, honey, its alright baby, your okay, its all over." Alec coos rocking Magnus back and forth gently.

"This...this sucks." Magnus sobs.

Alec rubbed Magnus' shoulder.
"I know baby, I know." He replied.

"Its supposed to last for weeks and I've only had morning sickness for 3 days now, this is tourchre." Magnus shuddered.

"I know, you poor baby, I wish I could take the sickness for you but unfortunately I can't do that. " Alec frowns.

Magnus let Alec pick him up into his arms and bring him to the bedroom.

He lied Magnus down and pulled the blankets over him, he too got under the covers and spooned Magnus as he fell asleep from exhaustion.
"Alexander..." Magnus whined.

"What is it baby? " Alec questions coming into the room.

"I decided I don't want spaghetti, I want pizza." Magnus says.

Alec sighed, he had already started boiling the noodles.

"Okay baby, I'll go and get you some pizza." Alec says.

"No, no, no need honey." Magnus smiled twirling his fingers and making a box of pizza appear.

"Alright honey, as long as you and the baby is happy." Alec smiles.

He hurried back to the kitchen to turn off the pot and to grab to waters from the refrigerator.

When he came back he saw Magnus playing with his pizza.

He glared at it like it was made of tentacles and cow tounge.

Alec sat the bottles down and slumped next to Magnus.

"What is it honey?" Alec asks rubbing Magnus' back.

"I..I.." he stammered.

"What Maggie, whats wrong? "

"I got the wrong one!!!"he bawled aloud.

Alec looked down at the pizza and saw that it had veggies all over it.

"What kind did you want? "Alec coos.

"I..I wanted pepperoni and cheeeeeeseeeeeee!!!" He whined loudly like a child throwing a crying tantrum would.

"Oh Maggie thats nothing to get frustrated with!  It was a mistake baby." Alec says squeezing Magnus' knee.

"B..but I want Pepperoni and cheese!!!" He sobs.

"I thought you liked veggie pizza? Thats what you always order when we eat out honey. " Alec replied.


Alec frowned, he felt like he had been slapped,  Magnus never yelled at him, ever.

"Ok, alright honey, im going out to buy a new pizza, with pepperoni and cheese, okay?"

Magnus looked at him for about 10 longs seconds and then burst into a sob again.

"What? Whats wrong now darling? " Alec questioned.

"I..I..I yelled at you!"he howled.

"Magnus honey it's just your hormones, its part of pregnancy,"

Magnus snuffles and gazed up at him with sad eyes, they were bloodshot from sleepless nights and purple underneath them.

"What is it? " Alec asks.

"That....smell...its..I think im going to be sick! "Magnus cries.

He darted past Alec with his hand clutched over his mouth and hurried to the trash can where he vomited.

Alec rubbed Magnus' back and whispered soothing words Into his ear.

When Magnus finished, he turned around to face Alec again.

"All better? "

Magnus lip quivered and with that, he burst into tears again.

Alec sighed. How was he supposed to do 8 and a half more months of this?

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