Malec: I miss you

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Magnus breathed heavily through his nostrils forcing back tears as he stared out his window.

Alec was gone on a month long trip to Idris for some important reason, he wasn't quite sure of.

He was only gone a week but Magnus missed him dearly, he missed him being snuggled into him at night as they slept.

He missed the way Alec held him close whispering sweet nothings into his ear before kissing him.

He missed the softness of his lips against his own.

He missed the taste of his lips and the taste of his tongue, the taste hed always remember, mint, salt, and berries.

He missed the way hed run his fingers down his back lovingly as they kissed.

He missed the way they snuggled close, and Alec spooned him, sometimes stroking his cheek with his massive finger, telling him how much he loved him.

He missed the way they made love to eachother, there bodys entertwining with eachother as they kissed.

The way Alec made Magnus sigh of pleasure as he did the thing where he left hickeys in the crook of his neck by burryig his face in his and sucking the flesh there.

He missed the taste of his skin, he missed the scent of him, lavender and pine and leather.

He missed Alecs smile, Alecs laugh, the way his eyes and nose crinkled when he laughed.

He missed everything.

But most of all, he missed Alec.

He slowly padded across the cold wooden floors with bare feet into his and Alecs room.

He rummaged through Alecs drawer and picked out a sweater, the exact one he used before he left.

Magnus plucked it out and burried his face in it.

He sighed, embracing the scent.

Alecs scent.

It smelt like Alec, exactly as if he were here.

Magnus put it on without hesitation.

He looked down at it.

It was ugly, but Magnus smiled, it reminded him of Alec.

He slowly went to sit on the bed and picked up a picture of the two of them on a vacation in Paris happier than ever.

Magnus ran a finger over Alec.

He couldn't control the tears that poured down his cheeks like waterfalls.

"Oh Alexander! I miss you! " Magnus bursts into a loud hiccuping sob.

He hugged the picture tight to his chest and sobbed falling back against the pillows.

"I miss you! I miss you! I miss you I miss you!!"Magnus bawls.

He cried until he began t fall asleep.

Suddenly he felt someone shake him awake.


Magnus shot up from the bed and dropped the picture.

"ALEXANDER! " Magnus cries happily with tears spilling down his cheeks once again.

"I MISSED YOU! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Magnus cries kissing Alecs lips sloppily and messy.

"Shh, I know I know" Alec coos.

"DONT EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Magnus sobs pulling away.

"I won't I promise" Alec coos.


"I know" Alec says placing a kiss on Magnus' forehead.

"How did you get here? I thought you were gone fkr the whole month? "

"They lied, "

"Im so happy your back! I missed you so much!"

Magnus and Alec kiss again for a while before Alec pulls away

"Is that my sweater? "

"Yea..Im sorry I just."

"Dont be you look adorable in it" Alec smiled.

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