Request Rules

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I'm looking for new requests from you guys to write but I need to let you know how this works.                                                             1. Please don't make your requests long and  complicated. I can't write something if it's to long and all over the place. Therefore please make sure that your requests are short and simple. I'll be able to take requests and have them written if they're short and simple.                                          2. Name the ship you want me to write about and what you want it to be about.          So here's a list of the ships I write about:     1. Any ship from one direction (Larry Stylinson, Niam, Zouis, etc.).                        2. Malec, Jimon, Saphael, Clizzy.                   3. Moreid. (Morgan and Reid from criminal minds).                                            4. Any BVB ship (cashley, Andley, Janxx, etc).                                                                   I also want to let you know the imagines I do and what I don't do.                                   •Fluff. (Like first kisses, first dates, marriage, etc).                                                  •Mpreg                                                           •Smut.                                                             •Sick fics (where one of the characters are sick with something it also counts as fluff lol).                                                               • Sad. (I'm not a fan of deaths so please don't request those).                                     •Intense (kidnapping, anything where a character is immortal?..).                        And I'll take anything I didn't put down here if I like it. Also I DO NOT DO THAT WHOLE NEKO THINGY WHERE THEYRE CATS I HATE IT LOL I'm sorry I tried to get into it but I'm not a fan at all. I also don't do imagines where they're kids.                                           Anyway please make sure to request because I'm all out of ideas and make sure to keep them short and simple!! Love y'all!!

Fandom Mpregs, Prefrences& Imagines (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now