Moreid: were having TRIPLETS?! pt 1

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"Reid? Whats wrong?" Garcia questions noticing that for the past hour Reid has been rubbing his giant baby bulge, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Um..nothing its just the babies..there kicking alot today." He says leaning back against his chair.

Garcia felt bad, carrying one baby wasn't that bad for your back but 3?

"I've been noticing him too, he's been doing it every 20 minutes or so." JJ says, glancing a worried look in the pregnant man's direction.

"Oh..oh my god Reid you're in labor!" Garcia cries.
" I'm not I...I can't be I'm not due for 4 more weeks." Reid stammered.

"Get up, I'm taking you to the hospital." Garcia says helping him up.

"No!" Reid cries.

"Reid, you have to go to the hospital" JJ says behind the two who started to walk out of Garcias "bat cave".

" I'm going back home, I'm having a homebirth, we already have everything set up." Reid says as they get him into Garcia's car.

"Why?" Garcia sounded baffled.
"Because, I hate hospitals, Morgan agreed to have the babies at home, he is delivering." He explained.

Morgan had been training and studying to deliver babies the last 9 months.


"Shh!!" He cries.
"Sorry hun, alright JJ's gone to get Morgan, I think he went to the bathroom. " she says.

Reid squeezed his eyes shut as a contraction hit.
"Oh Morgan hurry up" Reid says.

*******9 hours later*********

"Oh god...Derek...I hate you, I hate you I hate you. " Reid cries out squeezing Garcias arms.

Garcia was on the bed with Reid, her back was painfully against the headboard and Reid squeezed her so hard she thought she'd bleed.

"You're currently 2 centimeters baby boy." Morgan announced, pulling off his rubber gloves.

"Ooh, fuck Derek, I hate you." Reid says.

"If your water doesn't break in the next hour, im going to have to induce your labor by breaking the water myself. " Morgan says.

"Garcia, I can't sit like this anymore....can we go for a walk" Reid asks fixing his position on the bed.

"I'll take you Reid, give Garcia and Morgan a break." JJ smiles.

JJ holds onto Reid the entire time they walk.

"Reid, im going to tell you something, mother to mother. " JJ says as they walk, (well waddle).

"Im a guy though." Reid says, waddling.

"Of course you are. But anyone who carries a baby for 9 months is considered a mother, so anyway, this may seem like hell, but wait until your water breaks, it will seem like torture and when you're pushing, its going to burn like satan's flame. Trust me, I had two kids."

Reid's eyes widen to the size of saucers. 

"Oh thanks Jayge! That helps me feel 100% better!"

JJ laughs "I mean, It may hurt like a bitch but its worth it, you will have 3 beautiful children, and one big happy family. "

*********2 hours later***********

"Alright your labor is progressing way too slow, I have to break the water myself. " Morgan says, slipping on a pair of gloves.

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