Malec: Tummy Aches

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Alec and his boyfriend Magus were sitting on the couch In the living room watching an episode of Spongebob.

Chairman Meow was on Alecs lap purring happily as Alec stroked his furry head.

Magnus winces, he felt sick as hell for some reason.
Alec noticed his boyfriend doing this and grew worried.

Chairman Meow yowled in annoyance as Alec pushed him off,
"Magnus baby whats wrong?" He asks wrapping his arms around him.

"Nothing darling, im fine" Magnus smiles, his glittery eyes sparkled in the dim light.

"Magnus Sweetie, your pale as a ghost, and sort of green, are you sick?"

"Dont be silly Darling, I never get sick" he smiled.
He knew he was lying, he actually felt like shit, his stomach ached, his body was hot and full of goosebumps, his head spun and he felt as if hed throw up.

Alec ignored him, he knew he was lying.
He felt Magnus' forehead with his wrist.

He immediately pulled away.
"Magnus baby your burning up, let me take you to bed to rest."

Magnus smiles, "okay Darling"
Alec picks him up bridal style and carries him to bed.

As they walk Chairman Meow rubbed against Alecs legs.
"move cat!" He demanded.

The cat chirped in annoyance before darting off down the hallway.

As soon as they get through the door, Magnus swallowed hard, and whimpered.

"Alec Darling, let me go, gonna be sick. "

Alec puts him down.

He watched as his warlock boyfriends finger sparkles, he saw the sparkled bucket in the right corner levitate into his hands so quick Alec didn't even see it.

"Blech" Magnus retches into the bucket.
"Poor baby" Alec frowns rubbing his boyfriends back.

Magnus vomits his lunch and Alec comforts him, rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

When he finished he held he bucket out in front of him, and with a single snap, the bucket was clean.

"Im sorry you had to see that darling. " he says shuffling to his king sized bed.

"Dont be Sweetie, lie down, I snuggle you."
Magnus lies down in bed, Alec gets in beside him and spoons his shaky body.

His body was hot with fever, and shook like a leaf.
Alec burried his face in Magnus' hair and sighed.

His hair smelt like hairspray and glitter.
"Ooooooh my tummy hurts" Magnus groans.

"Im sorry baby, do you want anything? Maybe a hot water bottle?"

With the snap of Magnus' fingers, he had a pink sparkled heating pad in his hand.

"These are better than hot water bottles. " Magnus says putting the pad on his tummy.

He closes his sparkly eyes and sighed with relief.
Alec felt the heating pad against him as he moved closer to his body, it was pretty hot.

Alec kissed Magnus on the lips and burried his face into Magnus' chest.

"Darling why have you done that? Now you are going to get sick." "I dont care, I love you"

Magnus smiles and kissed him back.

Magnus fell asleep almost instantly after that and as much as Alec tried, sleep wouldnt come.

So instead he felt Magnus' temperature.
Alec yelped, he was extremely hot.

He pulled himself up out of the bed carefully and went to the bathroom.

First he had to pee, so he did.
Than as he washed his hands he heard retching once again.

He immediately got a cup of water, and as a surprise, started the tub.

He made sure the temperature wasn't too hot.
It had to be cool for his fever.

He wasn't sure Magnus would like the thought of sitting in a cool bath because he knew, he liked hot water.

Whenever Alec showered with him, he cringed because of how hot the water was.

It was sometimes so hot, the entire room would be filled with steam and when he came out in a towel, his skin would be as red as a tomato.

Alec warned Magnus about the dangers of showering in hot water but he didnt listen.

Alec stepped out of the bathroom and over to his boyfriend who was placing the bucket back on the floor and lying back on his bed, sighing.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling"
"Shitty" Magnus grumbled groggily.

Magnus looked even worse, his eyes drooped, his face was a pale green, his sparkles began rubbing off and his hair was a matted mess.

Alec sat next to him.
"Here Maggie, you need to drink something. " Alec says handing Magnus the cup.

Magnus sits up and took the paper cup from alec with his shaky hands.

"Why?" He asks sipping the water with trembling lips,
"To stay hydrated cutie"

"Shut up Alec I look horrible and you know it" he grumbled.
"Shut up Maggie your so goddamn gorgeous,"

"Lies" he says.
Alec rolls his eyes.

"What's that sound? Are you running water? "
"Um yeah, its for you,"

"No..darling im too cold" He pouts.
"Come on sweetie, it helps bring the fever down."

"Okay fine you win"

Alec picks up his ill boyfriend and carries him into the bathroom.

He sits Magnus on his lap as if he were a sick child and began taking off his clothes.

After that, he held Magnus' hand as he sunk into the water.
"ooh its cold." He yelps.
"I know mags but it helps"

Magnus lays his head against the wall and closes his eyes as Alec began wiping him gently and lovingly on his face.

"Mmm, that feels so heavenly darling. " he smiled, eyes still closed.

"Just relax baby, " Alec coos.
"Come on baby eat your soup." Alec says gesturing at the steaming bowl on Magnus' lap.

"No, im not hungry" he says simply.
"Magnus you have to eat something. " he says.

Magnus sighs.
"Fine Alec if it is what you desire,"

Magnus rubs a hand on his shoulder as he spoons some soup onto the spoon.

But as soon as he brings it to his lips he heaves.
Alec like a rocket, retrives the bucket and holds it under Magnus'

Magnus vomits a tiny bit and than dry heaves twice, and with that out came the water.
"Get it all out honey," Alec coos rubbing his back.

"Im so sorry for forcing you to eat Mags" he frowns.
"There is nothing to worry about darling you were only concerned for my health." Magnus smiles.

Alec lies down beside his boyfriend,
"I love you" Magnus smiles.

"I love you too Maggie" Alec smiles.
they both immediately fall asleep.

Sorry that was suckish and short, im out of ideas sorta :p
Anyway feel free to request anytime you want! :)

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