Larry: Wisdom Teeth

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"Alright sir I'm going to need you to sit up on this chair for me." The dentist said, patting the seat for Harry to sit. Harry looked down at Louis nervously. He could feel the younger mans hands trembling. "It's alright love." Louis said with a small smile. "The dentist is here to help you. Not to hurt you. He's a professional and he knows what he's doing. Trust me Haz, you're in good hands." Louis ensured Harry as he helped him onto the chair. Harry didn't buy this. He still seemed terrified. He had always had a fear of dentists. The needles, the drills, the pain, all of it. He hated it. The man wrapped a bib like thing around Harry's chest and clipped it behind his neck. "There's nothing to be worried about Mr. Styles. This won't hurt a bit I promise." The dentist smiled leaning the chair back a bit. Harry watched anxiously as a bright light was pulled in front of his face. It hurt his eyes and caused him to become more grumpier. "Everything is going to be okay." Louis said to Harry as he brushed his curls away from his emerald eyes. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and nuzzled his nose into Louis' palm. "Alright Mr. Styles. I'm going to put this mask on your face and I want you to count back from ten for me okay?" The dentist explained as he placed an oxygen mask over the younger mans nose and mouth. Harry glared at him in confusion. "What are you going to do?" He asked anxiously as he lifted a hand up to place on the mask. Louis knew exactly what it was so he stepped in. "It's an oxygen mask Arry'." Louis replied, rubbing Harry's shoulder softly to ensure him he was safe. "It's going to help put you to sleep so the dentist can remove your wisdom teeth." Louis explained pointing at Harry's mouth. Harry sat up immediately and frantically tried to tear off the mask. "What?!" He cried. "No way!"                        "Arry'." Louis demanded laying Harry back down onto the chair. "Don't worry. I told you. You're safe." He said to Harry. Louis watched as the dentist's assistant turned on the sleeping gas tank. "Lou.." Harry whined tugging at Louis' hoodie. "What's wrong baby?" Louis asked bending down to run a hand through the younger mans curls. "I'm sleepy..".                              -----------------------------------------------------        Louis was let back into the room after a while. He had been waiting anxiously in the waiting room for the dentist to be finished. He was worried for Harry. Especially because of how afraid Harry was of the dentist. He walked in to see Harry still in the same spot he was before. His eyes were shut and his cheeks were stuffed with gauges. Poor Harry looked miserable. "Hey baby." Louis cooed as he approached the heavily drugged man. "How are you feeling?" He asked. Harry's eyes shot open and he stared at Louis. "Haz?" Louis asked in confusion. Harry leaned over to the female assistant and whispered something in her ear. "Who is that beautiful man?" He asked in shock. The assistant looked up at Louis and laughed. "Wait.. before you he taken?" He asked, his words slurred. "Uh yeah he is." The assistant laughed looking up at Louis who was absolutely clueless on what was happening. All of a sudden Harry  burst into a sob, tears spilled down his cheeks like small waterfalls. "Arry baby what's the matter?!" Louis cried in shock, kneeling down to stroke the younger man's curls. Harry shot his head towards Louis, his eyes full of disbelief. "What?" Louis asked in uttered confusion. "Does your girlfriend know how close you're being with me?!" He cried, his voice cracking from crying. Louis stared at Harry in bewilderment. Did he seriously not remember his own husband?!               "What are you talking about Haz?! I don't have a girlfriend!" Louis cried defensively.    "Okay then well your boyfriend! Your boyfriend would obviously be upset if he found out you were flirting with another man!" Harry cried, his voice becoming more groggy. Louis shook his head and flashed the silver band around his ring finger. "I'm your husband Haz." Louis laughed. "See?"                                         Harry shook his head turning away from Louis. "I still don't believe you." He said with a pout. Louis sighed shaking his head and lifted Harry's arm up to show him the matching ring around his finger. "Look baby, you have a ring too. We're husbands and have been for years now." Louis chuckled as Harry gazed at the shiny silver ring.  "Wow!" He exclaimed. "I got a husband?" He asked happily turning to Louis. "Yes Hazza." Louis laughed.     "Damn.." he said groggily. "I must be the most luckiest man on Mars!" He cried, a grin forming in his lips. Louis and the assistant both burst into laughter at Harry's comment. "No baby, we're on earth." Louis laughed. He couldn't breathe. Harry on drugs were something else. ------------------------------------------------------ Louis made his way to the living room after he had gotten Harry a bowl of frozen yogurt to soothe any pain he was having and to ease the swelling a bit. It had been almost an hour since they had gotten home but Harry was still pretty out of it. "Look Louwee I'm a camel!" Harry cried. Louis nearly dropped the bowl from what he had seen. Harry was on the couch in all fours, he had a pillow in his back and was prancing around the cushions happily. "Oh for Christ sakes Arry.." Louis sighed setting the bowl onto the coffee table. "Come, have some frozen yogurt." He said sitting on the couch beside his mate. "Are you stupid?!" Harry cried, glaring at Louis as if he had just did the most dumbest thing ever known to man. "Harry stop being a dick and get over here." Louis demanded grabbing the bowl off of the table. "Camels can't have frozen yogurt Louweeee." Harry said turning his head up to the ceiling. Louis moaned, this was getting annoying. He knew this wasn't Harry's fault but these drugs were getting to be a pain in the arse. He just wanted them to ease off. "You aren't a camel Harry now get over here." Louis said sternly as he scooped a spoonful of frozen yogurt onto the spoon. Harry still refused to eat the treat. Louis had enough. "Harry Edward Styles get over here right now or I'm going to bed. I'm trying to help you but you're refusing to let me!" Louis cried in complete frustration. Harry had been like this since they had gotten in the car. It was like he was dealing with a 4 year old. He heard sniffles coming from beside him which made his heart shatter. "Arry.." Louis said worriedly. What had he done? "You shouted at me Louwee! What kind of husband does that?" He sobbed, his words groggy and slurred. Louis sighed, hating himself for his stupid action. " I'm sorry I got mad. I'm just worried about you. I want to help you and I just got frustrated that's all. I'm not mad at you." Louis said softly, inching closer to Harry. "Promise?" Harry pouted, gazing at Louis with his big, teary eyes. "I promise." Louis said reaching out for Harry. "Come eat some frozen yogurt for me okay?" Louis said sweetly. Harry nodded and crawled over to Louis. "I'm sorry for being annoying.." he frowned after he nibbled at a bite of the yummy treat. "Nonsense love. You aren't annoying. You're just having a hard time coming back to your normal self. The drugs the dentist gave you are still in your system." Louis explained as he lifted another spoonful of frozen yogurt to Harry's lips. Harry nipped at it slowly. "Good job baby." Louis smiled as he watched Harry swallow the treat. "I'm sleepy Louwee.." Harry yawned sleepily as he nuzzled against the older mans shoulder. "How about I put this away and then we can cuddle. Maybe a rest will make those drugs wear off." Louis insisted getting to his feet. He made his way to the kitchen and placed the bowl into the freezer. But by the time Louis had gotten back to the room Harry was already asleep, his head hung over his shoulder. Louis smiled lovingly at his husband. He looked so cute like that. It made his heart melt. He slowly layed Harry down onto the couch and pressed a kiss against his forehead. "Love you Arry." He hummed as he slowly eased his way out of the room. ___________________________________

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