Were having twins! (Candy)

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"Oh god Andy I hate you." CC stammered in pain, gripping Ashley's shoulders who he used as support. Andy would faint if he saw blood so Ashley stepped in.

He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered.
"Me?! What did I do? " Andy pouts.

"You got me pregnant idiot, and I am the one in agony right now while your standing there looking like an idiot! " CC snaps.

CC was pissed, he was the one who carried their baby for nine months, having morning sickness and swollen feet and waddled when he walked.

All his boyfriend was doing was standing around being no help at all.

"Oh god, theyre getting closer! " CC cries out squeezing ashley as another contraction hit.

"Shhh.. its okay CC just breathe. " Ashley coos rubbing his back.
"Andy can you please get me my cup of water with the straw?" CC pants as sweat poured down his face.

The only thing he was wearing right now was a black tshirt which was stuck to his back in sweat.

"Ungghhhh!!!!" CC gasps shutting his eyes.
Suddenly he felt a gush of water between his legs.

"Oh gosh did I just piss myself?!" CC felt his face go hot in embarssement.

"No sweetie, your water broke, that means that the babies are coming faster now" Ashley says retrieving the cup of water from Andy.

"Ohhhh it HURTS!" CC snaps.
"Shh honey, its okay. "

He took a sip of water shakily through the straw as Ashley put it in his mouth.

"Fuck...this hurts my knees Ash, I need to get up." CC stammered. "Okay Christian, hold onto me." Ashley says.

CC obeys and stands on shaky legs.
he tightens his grip on Ashley to steady himself.

He had been in labor for at least 10 hours now.
The first 3 hours, they were at the mall.

CC felt his first contraction in bath and body works where he and Andy were looking for things to put in the tub to make CCs labor easier.

They had gotten a bag full of stuff when CC told Andy he needed to go home because he was in labor.

Instead, Andy took him to Ashley's.
CC was pissed at first, but now, he was thankful, Ashley was amazing at this.

"H..a..ash...can we go to the tub? Please? I...I need it.." CC asks shakily.

"Of course Cutie." Ashley says, picks up CCs water and helps him from the bedroom to the bathroom.

Andy trails behind shaking.
He was as nervous as CC was.

Ashleys bathroom was huge.
There was a walk in shower as big as a room, a jacuzzi and a tub.

CC chose the jacuzzi.
He watched as CC sank down into the water and Ashley fix the temperature.

It began to bubble and Ashley stepped in, allowing CC to lean against him.

"Do you have the stuff?" Ashley asks Andy.
"Uhm ...y..yah." Andy stammered.

He handed Ashley the bag.
Ashley rummaged through it.

He first pulled out the bag of flower petals.
He tore it open with his teeth and shook them into the water.

Next he dropped a bathbomb into the water.
Andy could hear it hiss as it dissolved rapidly in the water.

"Andy, CC isn't pushing yet, so theres no blood, can you please, rub the lotion and oil on his back?" Ashley asks kindly.

"I..I d..."
"DO IT ANDY! PLEASE. " CC snaps behind gritted teeth.
Andy sighs.

He takes off his shirt and pants, now he was only in his boxers.
He sank down into the hot water.

This was perfect for CC.
"Give me the bottle." Andy says.

Ashley hands him both.
He squirted the oil on his hands and began rubbing it onto his boyfriends back.

"OHHHHH" CC cries as Andy massaged his lower back.
He could feel his whole body tense up.

"Andy kissed his cheek as Ashley cooed.
Andy whispered into his ear "your doing so good baby, just breathe. "

Andy kissed his boyfriends back and neck and hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"Oh god, I need to push I think. " CC stammered.
Andy immediately shoots out of there like a rocket.

"Ok honey,"
CC gave a small push, and screamed.

"OHHHH!" He screams.
"Come on sweetie, push."

"N..no..I can't. "
"Yes you can honey, come on. "

CC felt the baby lower which caused a huge contraction and pressure by his bum.

"I wanna get out, I wanna go on the bed." CC stammered.
"Okay beautiful hold onto me."

CC nods and holds on tight as they step out.
He holds onto Ashley as they walk back to the bedroom, andy once again trails behind like a lost puppy,

The bed was already made.
There was a birthing mat ontop of it, with towels, blankets for the babies,a bowl and a pair of scissors on the table beside it.

CC crawls ontop of the bed.
"I need to push Ash.." he says.

Ashley smiled, "okay Sweetheart, ill be right here."

CC gave a small push.
He could feel the babies coming.

*********** 1 hour after pushing*********

"Andy I think you should step out." Ashley says.
Andy nods and leaves.

"CC how do you want to deliver the babies? " Ashley asks.
"Can I try squatting?"

"Of course" Ashley says.
CC grips the sheets as he squats.

"You need to push on the next contraction, I can see a bit of the head." Ashley says rubbing CCs lower back.

"Ungghhhh..o..okay" CC cries shutting his eyes.
"You're doing so good Christian your babies are almost here." Ashley smiles,

CC pushed as hard as he could when the contraction hit.
He immediately stopped when a burning pain
around the rim of his asshole to caused him cry out.

"Oh fuck! Ashley I can't! " CC sobs.
"Yes you can CC, I can see the top of the head, its crowning. Just a few more pushes and baby number 1 is here." Ashley says.

"No, I..I can't it hurts so bad..!!!" CC cries.
"I know you can CC, come on, just think your baby will be in your arms in a few minutes"

CC sighed and pushed as hard as he could.
"UNGHHHH FUCK! " CC screamed as the head popped out.

"The heads out CC! Your doing so good!" Ashley cries.
CC pushed again harder than ever.

Ashley gently tugged on the head guiding the shoulders out, and the arms, as well.

"Hes almost here honey! One big push and hes here."
CC pushed one last time and that allowed the rest of the body to on slide out.

The room filled with tiny, loud mewing sounds.
Ashley cut the cord and handed CC his baby.

"My baby boy." CC sobbed happily.
"CC hand me the baby, the other ones coming. "
**************50 minutes later************

CC had delivered 2 beautiful babies safely with the help of Ashley.

Ashley had cleaned him and the bed up so that Andy could see his babies.

CC had delivered a boy and a girl, and they couldn't have been happier.

Bentley James Biersack born Friday, October 5th at 8:25 pm weighing 10 pounds 13 and a half ounces

Amelia Cameron Biersack born Friday, October 5th at 8:56pm weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces.

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