Malec: Demon fight

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"Did you hear that?" Magnus asks Isabelle and Alec.

Isabelle nods. "Sure did, and my necklace is pulsing, theres definitely demon energy here."

Magnus heard the silent slithering getting closer and closer.

His feline eyes gleamed bright yellow and a growl escaped from his throat.

"Get ready its coming fast." Alec says readying his arrow.

Magnus put out his palms, blue magic sparked off of them.

Suddenly, there it was, a dark black serpent like creature.

It came fast then, faster than Magnus could blink, he staggered backwards as the serpent pounced ontop of him, he fell to the floor hard and it hissed at him, its multiple fangs showed and its breath was hot and sticky and smelt like garbage.

Magnus retched trying to push the demon off of him, but that made it only angrier.

Magnus screamed in agony as the demon sank its fangs into Magnus' chest.

He heard cries of protest and horror and suddenly the demon dissapeared in a poof of black ashes.

Alec hurried over to Magnus lifting his limp head up off the ground and onto his knees.

"Magnus, oh god,  Maggie!..." Alec cried, tears burned behind his eyes.

Izzy was on the phone with someone Alec believed was Catraina.

"Alexander...d..darling," Magnus wheezed in pain.

Alec kissed Magnus' forehead "shh, baby, save your strength"

Magnus' eyes were frantic and he grunted and kicked his legs in excruciating pain.

" A..Alexander.." Magnus heaved.

"Shh Magnus baby please save your strength Catraina's almost here okay?  Your going to be okay" Alec sobs.

Magnus moaned loudly "p..Please! A..A..Alexander, I..Im s..sorry. " Magnus pants.

"No, Magnus none of this was your fault!" Alec cries.

Magnus closed his eyes and began to fade.


Alec hit his cheek over and over and Magnus opened his eyes, they were frantic.

"Magnus, Magnus baby look at me please, please don't leave me" Alec sobs.

Magnus looked at Alec for a moment before drifting away again.

"Is he going to be okay?!" Alec cries in horror as Catraina gets to work.

"He has a pulse, but its weak, im going to have to do the procedure to save him here." Catraina says running her hands over the wound.

Alec stroked his mates black, sweaty hair and kissed his sweaty forehead.

"Your going to be okay, its all going to be over soon," Magnus coos in Magnus' ear.

Suddenly a scream tore from Magnus' throat and his whole body spasmed.

Alec held him down as well as Izzy.

"The demon bloods spreading, im cleansing him as well as I can, he'll probably cough it up" Catraina says.

Alec felt as if Magnus would never wake up, and just when he lost hope, he shot up retching, clenching his stomach.

He vomited up a black slimy goo and breathed heavily.

Alec rubbed his back soothingly until he  finished.

He fell back onto Alec, his whole body limp, his breathing frantic.

"Shh, its okay, everythings okay now, your safe its all over." Alec coos in Magnus' ear.

"W..what happened? " Magnus chokes.

"You were bitten by a demon. " Izzy said.

"I was?"  Magnus asks.

Alec nodded.

"Memory loss is part of the healing process. " Catraina nodded in Alecs direction.

"Good, because you don't have to remember what happened just yet, you've been through alot." Alec says kissing Magnus' feverish forehead.

"Thank you for being here with me" Magnus smiled tiredly.

"I'll always be here baby. " Alec smiles and they kiss a long, sloppy kiss.

Hey guys sorry it sucked....I was bored.

Anyway I really want some requests to do so if you wanna request please do, ill try and get to them Asap.


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