Malec: If I Stay (part 2)

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So if you saw or read if I stay, you know that Mia, (who is Magnus in this story) has flashbacks of her past throughout the movie/book. So im going to be doing that :) so don't get confused if it goes from the hospital to some random scene.
"Hey! It's Magnus right?" A hoarse voice asks.

I sigh as I toss my Chemistry textbook into my locker and look up.

I swallowed hard as I saw who it was. Alec Lightwood, the Alec Lightwood, the most popular guy in school and the lead singer in his nearly famous band "Twister".

He smiled at me with his colgate white smile and cupids bow lips and I could swear I stopped breathing for a second.

God was he hot.

I couldn't help but stare at those beautiful light brown, almond shaped eyes that glistened under the florescent lighting, and the way his dark bangs fell over his forehead perfectly.

"Uh..yeah..." I replied softly.

"Good. Because it would be really awkward if it weren't." He laughed.

I swallowed.

Even his laugh was hot.

"What are you talking about?"  I ask standing up, shutting the door to my locker.

"I heard you like rock music, Bring me The Horizon to be exact." He smiled leaning against some lockers.

I didn't know whether I should be freaked out or flattered about how he knew my number one obsession.

I roll my eyes, "Did Catarina set you up to this?"

He frowns in confusion, "Uhh, no I don't know anyone named Catarina."

"Then why are you talking to me?" I ask still wondering why the hotest boy in Idris High would want anything to do with me.

How did he even know that I exsisted anyway?

"What are you talking about?"  He asks, completely lost. 

"Well, I mean, no one ever talks to me, and I mean, you're the most popular boy in this school, you're in a band, have all the girls swooning over you, that must be nice..."

"Woah...woah, who said anything about me enjoying them flirting with me?"  He asked.

"I...I just.."

"I hate it. They all know that I'm gay but yet don't seem to give a shit. It's extremely annoying." He says fixing his posture.

"I..I'm sorry...I..I didn't know.."
I babbled.

"Don't be. Not many people know about it."

Magnus smiled a little, flattered that Alec would come out to someone he didn't even know well.

"But hey, the reason I came over he was because I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to a Bring Me The Horizon concert Friday night. They're playing at the arena near by and I got lucky enough and won two tickets for it. No one I know is intrested in legendary bands like them, so I decided that I would take you. But only if you want to that is." He smiled wriggling two tickets in the air.

Magnus chuckled slightly.

  "So you're asking me out?" I  asked.

"Who said I was? Maybe I'm just being generous. " he replied holding out a ticket.

I shook my head instantly,
"I..I don't know..I have this test and..."

"C'mon Magnus, its your favorite band, you can't pass up an opportunity like this!" He gasped.

I bit my lip and hesitated for a few moments.

"C'mon..." he teased, wriggling his eyebrows.

"You know you want to."

I finally gave in, not being able to resist that smile and took the ticket from his hand.

"Alright, I'll go. But just as friends, nothing more." I say.

"Of course," he nods.

I stare into those beautiful brown eyes as he stared into mine.

I felt like I could get lost in them, but this was interrupted by the bell for 5th period.

I sigh and pull away my gaze.

" need to get to History class, Mr. Morgernsten will bite my head off if I'm late for his class again."
I smile.

"Right." Alec smiled.

"So,after school you can give me your address and I'll pick you up at 6 on Friday."

I nodded back with a smile.

"Right. I'll do that."

He patted my back and walked away leaving me alone in the hall.

I couldn't even grasp what had just happened.

Did the Alec Lightwood just ask me to hang out with him on what could possibly be a date?

I shrug and start walking to History with a giant smile on my face the entire way there.

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