Saphael: First kisses

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Simon stepped out of his car with a huff.

He wiped his sweaty hands on his suit they had the slightest tremble in them.

He looked at the abandoned building, it looked creepy in the dark ominous night fog but Simon ignored it.

He slowly padded up the stairs and sat, waiting for Rafael Santiago a vampire just like himself.

He wanted to talk to Simon about something that had happened earlier at Magnus and Alecs party and Simon was extremely nervous.

Minutes dragged by so slowly that it was brutal and just when Simon's Patience grew thin, he heard something.

His vampire ears perked up and he let out a threating growl.

"Relax Fledgling its just me" Rafael smiled sitting next to Simon faster than he could blink.

"Holy shit you scared me!" He cries.

"You seriously have to get used to that. " Rafael chuckles.

Simon fidgets with his watch, if he wasnt dead his breathing would be rapid and unsteady right now.

"So, Simon tell me why did you flee the party earlier? I saw you talking to Clary, Jace and Alec and then all of a sudden you took off."

"I sick" He stammered.

"Oh come on now Si, I know that wasn't it,"

"I..I don't want to talk about it okay? Just leave me alone. " Simon blurted.

"I heard Clary asking if you liked me. "

"W...what...of course..of course im not gay....I.." Simon spluttered.
"If you admit it, itll make you feel better. " Rafael said.

" im not gay!" Simon demanded getting up.

"Stop hiding it Simon! Itll make you feel worse just admit your gay! Come on, Si, no ones here, no ones listening, you know you are gay! You know you have feelings for me! Ju..."

"ENOUGH! " Simon cried.

Rafael stared at him awkwardly, fidgeting in his pockets.

"Im not gay, okay? Quit bothering me"

Simon began to leave but than Rafael pulled him in from behind which startled Simon greatly.

Simon gazed into the other vampires eyes, swallowing hard as he felt his grip around his waste tighten.

"You like me" Rafael smiled.


"Yes, you do Simon, I know you do, you yourself know you do, your just hurting yourself, hiding your feelings,"


It was than that their lips collided against one another lightly and lovingly.

Simon kissed him back hard, as Rafael pulled his body in tighter.
He closed his eyes, embarssing the moment.

He felt Rafaels eyelashes brush against his face briskly, he felt his own hands tighten, gripping Rafaels shirt, he shivered as Rafael ran his hands down his back.

He sighs as Rafael bit his bottom lip hard, their noses touched in the process.

It was than tounges were involved.

They brushed against one another briskly, battling for dominance.

The kiss lasted another few moments before Rafael pulled away leaving Simon breathless, in state of shock staring at Rafael who smiled at him wide.

" w..."

"We kissed, yes." Rafael smiles.

Simon who was bewildered and full of adrenaline smiled not knowing what just happened,all he knew was that he was indeed gay, and was in love with Rafael Santiago.

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