Cashley: hard and painful labor

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"Ashley?  You okay? " CC asks looking at his 9 month over due boyfriend who was wincing as if in pain and rubbing his stomach.

Ashley shook his head " it hurts."

CC shot up off the couch and to Ashley, he bent down to rub hs stomach, trying to ease the pain.

"Are you in labor?' CC asks taking Ashley's hand in his, he felt it trembling and could feel cold sweat.

Ashley gripped his hand tight as the contraction began to subside.

" to get to the hospital." Ashley pants.

"Alright baby, I'll get the bags, stay here." CC says before placing a kiss on Ashley's sweaty forehead.

"Okay, but please don't take long," he breathed.

"I won't honey, i'll be right back." CC says and leaves the room.

Ashley sat in shock, this was actually happening.

He and CC had been waiting 9 months for this moment, and now, here it was, he was really going to have a baby.

5 minutes past and CC came over the stairs with a diaper bag, a suitcase and a back pack.

"Got them, lets go. Can you walk?" CC asks.

Ashley whimpered but nodded.

He got to his swollen feet and waddled with CC outside to the car.

He suddenly felt a gush and felt warm liquid trickling down his legs.

CC was putting the suitcases away at this time and Ashley just stood staring in shock.

"CC..." he squeaks.

"What is it baby? " CC asks slamming the trunk shut.

"My broke...OH OW!" Ashley cries, his knees buckled from underneath him and he thought he would fall until he felt CC's strong arms pull him up and into his arms bridal style.

"hurts." Ashley moaned into CCs chest.

"I know baby shh" he cooed in Ashley's ear.

CC held him until the contraction faded and then put him in the passenger seat.

He ran to the drivers side, slammed the door shut and since the engine was already on, he sped away.
"How far away are the contractions?" A nurse asked hurrying over to help Ashley who was hunched into another contraction.

"7 minutes. " CC says simply.

The nurse sat Ashley into a wheelchair and strolled Ashley down the hall to an available room.

CC followed behind like a lost puppy.

They reached a room, and the nurse strolled Ashley inside, picking him up and placing him onto the bed.

The nurse left the room for a short time before returning with a hospital gown.

"Put this on in the bathroom, you cannot wear any underwear, your mate may help you if he wishes." She nodded.

Ashley nodded Back and went into the bathroom with CC.

CC helped Ashley out of his clothes and into the gown and just as he did, Ashley had a contraction.

He gripped the sink so tight his knuckles were white.

He moaned loudly through the pain, CC rubbed his tense back as Ashley swayed back and forth hoping to ease the pain quicker.

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