Malec: first words and teeth

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"Come on sweetie, stop crying, please." Alec pleads.
His daughter gazed up at him with big brown eyes.

"There we go, are you alright now?" He coos.
Ivy Ray gazed hiccups before screeching again.

"Whats wrong with my little princess?" Magnus asks coming back from the grocery store, he saw his daughter crying in pain, her little fists clenched and her face beet red streaked with tears.
He put down the bags and hurried over towards the two.

"Its another tooth trying to push through. " Alec frowns bouncing Ivy ray on his knee.

"Oh my poor angel, come to mommy" Magnus coos taking Ivy Ray in his arms.

Ivy Ray continued to cry.

"I know, I know it hurts I know" Magnus coos bouncing his daughter.

"Shes been crying since you left. She is in some serious pain" Alec frowns rubbing Malec's back.

Magnus frowns "poor little Ivy"

"I know how to get it to stop, here hold her for a moment darling. " Magnus says handing him the wailing baby.

Magnus snapped his fingers and just like that, blue sparkly magic gleamed brightly from the tips of his fingers.

Ivy Ray watched in wonder and curiosity as Magnus places his finger on her cheek.

She immediately stops crying.

Alec smiled. "Thanks, I have a headache now"
Magnus smiles and touches his head.

The pain subsided.
"Thank god for magic, it comes in handy" Magnus smiles.

Magnus sits next to alec on the couch, Alec wraps his arm around him and smiles.

"I love you so much, both of you" Magnus says.
"DID YOU HERE THAT?" Alec cries.
Magnus looked confused.

"No, I haven't darling what was it?"
" I thought I heard Ivy say something. '

Magnus gasps.
He held onto Ivy Rays little leg and grinned.

"Mm....ahhhhh!!!!"She squealed with a smile at Magnus.

"Your so beautiful Ivy, Mommy loves you. "

"Alexander, that is what we call baby talk, all babies do it. Also for the last 4 months she was baby talking. "

Magnus looked flustered. "I thought I heard her say something, I guess I was wrong"

"Mmmmm......nnahhhhhh!!!" ivy squealed at her parents.

"What? What is it Princess? What are you telling trying to tell mommy? "


Magnus chuckles.

"Are you trying to tell mommy stories?"

Ivy who was in alecs arms reached for Magnus.

Magnus picked her up and placed her on his lap.

"Eeeeeeeee!!" She squealed.

"God, for a 7 month old she sure has lungs of steel"


"Mmmmmaaa!" Magnus cooed back.


" what pumpkin? What are you trying to tell me?"

"Mama!" She squealed.

"Oh my god! Her first word!" Alec gasps.

Magnus smiles wide. "Yes! Mama! Mama! Im mama! Good job ladybug!"

Ivy Ray squeaked in delight.

"Dada baby, say dada." Alec coos.


Alec frowns and Magnus laughs.


Hey guys sorry that sucked and was short, I feel super sick right now and just wanted to update for yall.

Hope you liked it!

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