Malec: long, painful labor

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Requested by tereska_

Magnus turns over in bed as he feels it become lighter, he saw his pregnant 3 week over due boyfriend waddling towards the door on his swollen feet.

"Alexander darling where are you going?" Magnus asks with a yawn.

"To the bathroom." He says opening the door.

Magnus sat up and proped his back against the pillows.

"Again?"he asked folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Yeah, I have these weird cramps. I think I need to go again Is all." Alec sighs.

Magnus stared at Alec "Cramps? Are you sure they aren't contractions?" Magnus asks getting to his feet.

"No, I don't think so." Alec shrugged.

"Well are they painful?" Magnus asks coming over to Alec and placing a hand on his shoulder, his body was tense beneath it.

"No. Look I really have to go, I'll be back, go and lie down its still late, get some rest just in case, Catraina said I could go into labor at any moment, so its best if your not tired when I do." Alec says turning to place a kiss on Magnus' forehead.

"You sure you're okay?" Magnus asks.

Alec nodded, "yes baby, now go back to bed i'll be back in a moment. "

Magnus sighs as Alec pressed a kiss against his forehead and left.

He shuffled back to bed and lied down pulling the sheets over his body.

He lie awake for about 5 moments before Alec came back to bed.

Magnus spooned Alec and placed a single kiss on his cheek before falling asleep.
"BY THE ANGEL MAGNUS!" Alec shouted.

Magnus startled out of his sleep, shot up out of bed looking around confused, his eyes still foggy with sleep.

When he blinked he saw Alec hunched over in bed, gripping his stomach as if in pain.

Magnus hurried to his side, when he put his hand on his back, he felt it contracting.

"Whats wrong? " Magnus asks.

"T..THE BABY..GAHHH!" Alec gasps squeezing his eyes shut.

Magnus turned on the light without getting up by using his magic and got a closer look at Alec, his face was white as a sheet and a sickish green color, his face crinckled with pain.

"Are you in labor?" Magnus asks softly.


Magnus' heart lurched, this was happening, his baby girl or boy was on its way.


"How far apart are the contractions?" Catraina asks coming into the room while slipping on some rubber gloves.

Magnus didn't know but Alec had been counting, he started feeling the contractions at around 5am, 3 hours after Magnus asked if he was in labor.

It was 7am now.

"There about 10 minutes apart. " Alec says, he was now lying in a hospital bed, Magnus had magicked it up for Alec so it would be easier for Catraina to deliver the baby, Magnus was next to him in a chair holding his hand.

"There pretty close, you should only be a few centimeters though, not much." Catraina says sitting in a stool in front of Alec.

"I want to push. " Alec groans.

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