Larry: Runaway baby

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So the theme to this story is that no one is permitted to have children anymore due to a new strict government rule. Sex is illegal, kissing is illegal, love is illegal and pregnancy is illegal. The government is trying to limit births due to over population so anyone who is pregnant will be killed and so will the mate and the child. Harry is 9 months pregnant and on the run because someone had spotted Harry's pregnant stomach. Anyways you get the point. Enjoy 😊 ___________________________________ "Are they going to kill us?" I ask my boyfriend Louis worriedly as I reach down to run my giant baby bulge softly. The baby was extremely active inside of me and it hurt. He or she was kicking my ribs and rolling around inside me. I didn't blame the baby though. He or she was probably bothered by the sudden stress and moving around I was doing. Louis turned to me with a cup of hot tea in his hands. "No baby." Louis said softly as he handed me the cup. "You and our baby are safe. I'm going to make sure of it. Don't worry okay?" He smiled and placed a hand on my knee. I nodded in response knowing that he was probably lying. Yes he would try everything in his power to keep us safe but I knew it wouldn't work. We were all at risk. Any pregnant person was at risk. This new law was absolutely absurd. It had came out several months ago. When I was exactly six months pregnant with this beautiful baby. At that time Louis and I were the happiest we could have ever been. We never thought we could have a family this way. But it happened and I was pregnant with our baby. It was a true miracle. We still hadn't told our parents yet but we were planning on doing so by inviting our family over to announce the news to them all at once. We had clothes already bought and a nursery already ready for the arrival of our baby. We had an appointment to see the doctor a week after the party to find out the gender of our baby but that instantly changed when one night Louis and I were in bed together after a long day of chores. Louis was scrolling through his twitter feed when he suddenly let out the most horrid sound I had ever heard. I had no idea what was happening until he showed me. It was a video from the news. I'll never forget the look on Louis' face after he watched it.
He looked like his whole world had just crashed down around him. It killed me. I wasn't even sure if I should watch it but Louis told me it's best if I knew then then later. So I watched it. And I instantly regretted it. "Breaking News!" The broadcaster boomed as he stared strictly at the screen. Harry could see a frown on his face and it hurt. "Due to overpopulation from spontaneous new birth numbers the government has decided to make having anymore children illegal! They made the decision just recently and are saying they want anyone who is pregnant to get an immediate abortion. Those who refuse to do so will not only be killed but so will the father of the baby and the baby it self will be killed. They say they apologize for any inconvenience but they want to stop overpopulation now. They say that being pregnant is not the only thing illegal but having sex, kissing, touching, groping, is also illegal. Anything that could lead to sexual activity is considered a big no no and must be stopped at once. Anyone caught doing any of these things will be arrested on the spot....".
I manage to pull away from the cellphone. I wasn't able to take anymore of that horrible lie. It had to be a lie. There's no way this could be real. I was going to stay pregnant and I wasn't going to let anyone stop me from having this baby. Louis and I would constantly fight about the baby and how dangerous it was to keep carrying it. I almost left him for suggesting I should abort this baby. But he told me he didn't want to loose me. But I told him that I wasn't going to loose this baby. I gave him an option. Either he could leave me and our baby alone and I would run away by myself and deliver this baby on my own or he could step up and be a father. Louis chose to stay with me. No matter what. Even if it meant dying to protect our baby. We made a commitment that we'd get out of this country and go to one where this stupid law didn't exist. We would go to America to raise this baby. We would change our names and make it seem like we lived in America since we were born. No one was going to hurt this baby. No one would break this family apart. "Arry'?" Louis asked suddenly breaking me out of my daze. "What?" I ask shooting my head up to look at him. I could see the look of horror on his face and it scared me. "Lou what are you looking at?" I ask in panic. I followed his gaze down to my legs. They were soaked and so was the mattress I sat on. Oh this can't be happening. Not now. " water broke.." I choke out dropping my glass of tea onto the floor below me. It shattered and spilt the hot liquid all over the wooden boards. " is that possible you aren't due for another 2 weeks!" Louis cried in shock. Not sure what to do. "Remember those pains I had earlier?!" I gasped as I realized that these were much more then just cramps. "They..they must've been contractions.." Louis stammered in bewilderment as he realized that this was happening today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today. My water had already broken and I was having contractions. There was no stopping this baby from coming. "W..what are we going to do?!" I squeal in panic. I felt like I'd faint. This was all too much. Our baby was in great danger now. The town was looking for us and there was nothing we could do about it. We had planned to escape and have this baby somewhere that wasn't here. We thought we would have been out of here by now but now that this baby was coming today with the law still a thing made things worse. We couldn't go to the hospital because we'd be killed on the spot and midwives weren't a thing anymore. We were alone. And we were both afraid. Anything could go wrong. There was the chance that there would be complications and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. Louis stood up. His panicked face gone completely. He looked serious and worried for me. "Come with me. There's a room in the very back we can use." Louis said helping me to my feet. I followed Louis out of the room that we were already in and down the hall to a new bedroom. A smaller one which I guessed was for guests. It had no windows, no closet and no dresser. Only a bed in the middle of the room. Louis helped me to the bed and helped me out of my wet trousers. Just as he pulled them over my ankles I felt a contraction was over me. It was extremely painful. I hadn't felt anything like this. Ever. "L..Lou.." I gasp out in pain. "H..hurts.." I whimper as I grabbed onto the bedsheets so hard my knuckles turned white. I could feel Louis' fingers creeping up my tense back ever so gently. He was trying to massage my lower back and my waist to see if it would help. It didn't. The pain just got worse. "Ungh Loueh!! I..I can feel pumpkin lower.." I whimper as the contraction began to fade. Louis peppered kisses down my spine causing me to shiver. "Let me see if I can see the head." Louis said as he knelt down to my bum. "Squat for me beautiful." He cooed rubbing my right cheek softly. I did as told and squatted down. I held onto the bed and buried my face into the mattress.
Louis spread me apart a bit and examined my entrance for the head. "I can't see anything yet my love." Louis said getting back up. "I'm sure that pumpkin is close. She or he had to be." He said helping me into the bed. "I'm scared.." I sniffle as I gazed at Louis. My eyes full of worry. Louis placed a hand on my knee and he stroked it with the pad of his thumb. "Don't be. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." Louis ensured me. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss onto my lips. He knew it calmed me down. "I'm going to get some supplies for the birth. I'll be right back." He said as he slowly stood up. "No.." I whine pulling Louis back down towards me. "Please don't go I'm scared.." I frown with tears in my eyes. "I'll only be a few minutes love. I'll be back before you know it." He said standing up. "Relax. We got this." He smiled as he pressed a kiss against my sweaty head.                                                  ****************************************** An hour passed and everything was ready for the birth. Louis had gotten towels, scissors, a sewing needle and thread (which scared me more then the scissors), hot water, a water bottle and blankets. We had all the supplies needed. All we needed now was for this baby to come. My contractions were more closer together now and were more stronger then ever. We knew that this was it. Our baby was coming and there was no turning back. "Pumpkin is finally coming." I grinned up at Louis excitedly. I couldn't wait to meet this miracle that had been growing inside me all these months. I could tell Louis couldn't either. "I'm so proud of you Arry." Louis smiled down at me. His bright blue eyes shining with happiness. "I love you." I say as I reach up to pull Louis towards me. "I love you too baby." Louis replied as he leaned down to kiss my lips softly. "Argh Lou!" I shout as a contraction hit me unexpectedly. Louis pulled away immediately to comfort me. "I..I feel pumpkin! The head..I.. I feel.." I groan and I tossed and turned uncomfortable in pain. "Shh. Easy now my love. It's alright. Let me take a look yeah?" Louis asked as he pulled away to the end of the bed. He pulled the blanket down off of me and spread my legs. "I'm going to see if I can feel pumpkins head okay?" Louis asked me sweetly. I nod not really caring what he did at this point. I could feel Louis insert two fingers into me and I let out a pained moan. It hurt. "Owie Lou.." I whimper. "Shh. I'm sorry baby. It's okay." Louis cooed as he pulled his fingers out and pressed a kiss upon naked thigh. "I had to check for pumpkin." He said softly. "And it looks like he or she is ready to come into the world." He grinned at me with so much joy I felt like I'd cry. "You feel pumpkins head?!" I gasp in happiness. "I do. " he nodded happily. "Do you feel like you need to push yet?" He asked as he reached down and grabbed a pillow to place under my bum. I nod. "There's pressure I need to go to the bathroom." I tell him. Louis smiled at me. "Then I think that's the sign that you're able to push now." Louis said as he patted my leg gently. "You ready?" He asked. "Yes. Please I want pumpkin out." I say.                                        "Alright. Then let's have a baby shall we?" Louis chuckled as he sat in front of me. A contraction suddenly racked through my body and I felt the unbearable urge to push. "Ungh Loueh I need to push!! God I need to push now!" I shout in pain. "Then go ahead baby. It's time." Louis cooed. I grab onto my thighs and curl my body up into a push. I could feel my face going hot and I could feel the babies head pushing down onto my rim. It hurt. "GAH! AGH FUCK!" I shout in pain as I throw my head against the pillows. Tears spilled down my cheeks from the burning pain. It felt as if someone had cut me there and spilt water into the open cuts. It was horrible. "You did so good baby. The head is starting to come out. I need you to push harder for that to happen okay? It'll hurt for a second but I promise it'll be over soon. Pumpkin is so close to being in your arms my love." Louis said as he gazed at me. His eyes full of love and happiness. "You can do this baby. I know you can."                                 As much as I didn't want to the urge to push was too strong to ignore. So I curled my body and I pushed again. As hard as I could. I could feel something warm caress my rim as I pushed. I guessed Louis was using a wash cloth to ease the pain a bit. It helped. I held the push in for about 10 seconds before I felt something pop out. I fell back against the pillows panting heavily. I let out a whine of pain and sobbed. This hurt. Badly. I wanted to give up but I couldn't. I just wanted pumpkin here in my arms. "You did it baby! The heads out!" Louis cried happily as he reached for my hand. He placed it on the babies head. I felt the soft locks of hair under my fingertips and I immediately burst into a louder sob. "There's so much hair!" I laugh. "You're doing so well my love I'm so proud of you." Louis said. "Our baby is almost here because of you." He said. Suddenly another contraction hit. "Ungh.." I moan as I grab my legs again and bore down into another push. I squeeze my eyes shut and I crinkle my nose as I push down as hard as I ever did before. My body shook and it felt like I'd split in two but I didn't stop. I continued to push until I heard Louis announce that the shoulders were out. "One more giant push my love. Pumpkin is almost here. You can do this!" Louis cheered. I look at Louis and see how happy he is. I smile and nod. With one last grunt I gave one last push and suddenly the pain was gone. Just like that. I fall back against the bed and pant just as cries of new life filled the air. "You did it!" Louis cried happily as he placed the baby onto my chest. I immediately started to cry. All my emotions poured out at once and I felt like I'd explode. Our baby was finally here in my arms. I did it. We did it. "You did so well my love! He's perfect!" Louis cheered. I let out a gasp and I stare up at him in shock. I could see the tears spilling down his cheeks and it made me cry even more. "We have a son baby!" He giggled happily. **************************************** A few hours had passed since the birth. Louis had cleaned me and the baby up. He had wrapped him in a blanket and found a hat to put on him. He was currently asleep in my arms after all those hours of crying about being pulled out of his warm home in my tummy. But he seemed happy now. It made my heart burst. "He looks just like you Arry." Louis said as he pulled the blanket down a bit to see his full face. "Yeah." I chuckle as I gazed down at the tiny infant. Still in shock that I had just pushed him out of me. "He has your curls too." He pointed out at a curl that was on his little forehead. I nod laughing. "It's so strange.. having a tiny me in my arms." I admit. Louis laughed. Suddenly the baby grunted and opened his eyes slowly. "Hello baby." I coo down at him. "What's the matter huh?" I ask. Suddenly I see that there's one thing the baby had that wasn't mine. "Look Loueh. He had your blue eyes." I say. Louis stared down at the babies eyes and saw his own eyes. "He does." Louis nodded with a smile. "Hes perfect."he says leaning in to kiss me. "I'm so happy we're a family now." I smile as he pulled away. "Me too." Louis nodded with a small giggle. "Now. All we need is a name for this little guy." Louis says. "Got any suggestions?"                                                 "Wait..are you asking me name him?" I asked in shock. "B..but...".                         "I can't think of a name. And I know how obsessed you were with picking the perfect name so I think it's only fair you get to do the honours." He smiled placing a hand on my leg. I stare at my mate lovingly and nod. "Well.. I was thinking..Hudson Oliver Tomlinson Styles." I say slowly worried that Louis didn't like the name. But to my surprise he smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen and squealed. "I love it! It's perfect! He looks just like a Hudson!" Louis cried happily. I stare at him. A smile creeping onto my lips. "Really?" I ask. He nods. "Well I guess it's settled little dude. You have a name now. " I chuckle. "Welcome to the world Hudson Oliver." *************************************** Harry, Louis and Hudson hid out in the cabin in the woods for a month before they read on the news that the law had been lifted. They were now safe and could live a happy life where they were. ******************************************Hey guys!!! I really hope you liked this au! I worked soooo damn hard on it lol. It took weeks that's why it's so long. I'm so happy I finally managed to finish!! Make sure you leave comments on how you liked this one! It means a lot! Love you all xoxoxo

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