moreid: were having TRIPLETS! pt 2

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"Reid you have to push." Morgan groans.

"No." Reid pouts groggily.

"Reid, you have to push or something will happen to the babies"

Reid frowns.

"I just had a baby! Im exhausted!" he whines.

"Fine I'm taking you to the hospital. " he says.

"No please!" Reid pleads.

"Than you're going to push on the next contraction? " Derek asks.

"Look baby, I know it's hard, but you have to do this." The older male encouraged, stroking his boyfriends ankle, to let him know he was safe in his hands.

Spencer sighed, he was exhausted.
Delivering one baby naturally was hard enough on his tiny body, but two more? He wasn't sure he had it in him.

"Okay.." Was all the doctor could muster from his lips.

Garcia once again places a hand on the back of the father's head and lift it so his chin touched his chest so he could push.

"Good, keep pushing! Push baby! Push push push! " Garcia cries.

Spencers face become's a deep shade of red as he pushes as hard as his lungs would allow him.

"Unghhhhhh!!!" He squealed mid push.

"Okay stop. " Morgan warns, his voice thick and serious.

Spencer throws his head back and breathes heavily through his nose.

"Theres something wrong. " Derek says.

Spencers head shot up, his heart began to race.

"What? What is wrong with our baby?" he panicked.

"The baby isnt moving when you push."

"You mean the baby is stuck in me?!" Spencer cried.

"Yes... and it can cause major problems for the last baby if you dont deliver soon" Derek explained calmly, despite the fact there was nothing but panic in his eyes.

" do we get it out?!" Spencer yelped helplessly, unsure of what to do.

Why did he have to be afraid of hospitals?

Why did he have to have a home birth?!

"By trying everything we can, and you need to push harder than ever before. " Derek replied sternly.

Spencer began to cry, he was horrified.

"Get up and squat." Derek tells his boyfriend.

Spencer nods and gets into a squatting postion, holding onto Garcia.

Derek slid a birthing mat underneath his boyfriend and began pushing gently on where the babies head was with his palm.

"I...I need to..I need to push." Spencer whimpers.

Derek nods, letting his lover know that he was there, and ready to help Spencer bring their babies into the world.

Spencer pushes longer and harder than ever before.

25 seconds of nonstop pushing.

Spencer felt like his lungs would explode.

"Do not stop pushing. Your doin' so good, push push push baby boy, the babies head is moving down!" Derek says massaging Spencers bum, helping the baby.

"UNGHHH! OHHH FUCK!!!" He screams, his voice cracking.

"You gotta keep pushing Spencer!' Derek demanded as calmly as possible

"I CAN'T! OH GOD I CANT IT HURTS!" The small man bawls.

"Yes you can honey. Come on, bare down and push. You got this." Garcia whispers into her best friends ear.

Spencer gives a giant push.

His hole burns as the babies head begins to push on it.

"OOOOOOOO FUCK...OHHH!" He screams continuing to push, wanting it to end.

The babys head started to push against his rim harder, making Spencer howl in agony.

"F...FUCK!" He howls, as the head pops out, squirting icky substances on the mat beneath him.

"Good job Baby! The heads out!" Derek cried, proud of his boyfriend.

"I cant do this anymore Derek....oh god! "

"Give me your hand Spence, feel our baby he or she is right there." Derek cried.

Spencer feels a soft head of hair, he gazed down at his trembling legs and sees a teeny squished face.

"My baby. " he sobs.
"The baby needs one more huge push and itll be here Spencer. "

Spencer nods and pushes with all his might.

The tiny baby slides out into Dereks ready hands.

Derek hands Spencer his baby from underneath and he cuts the cord with trembling hands.

The baby let out a scream, demanding to be put back inside of Spencer where it was warm and cozy.

"Its a girl, we have a daughter Derek. "
Spencer giggles, his breath taken away by the miracle in he held in his arms.

Derek felt his heart flutter hearing this.
He had never been more happy in his life.

"A daughter.." Derek repeats, taken aback.

He was about to say something else, when Spencer started to moan again.

"You ready to push again Spence? Because baby number 3 is right there."

************1 hour later*********

Spencer delivered 3 healthy babies in under 24 hours with the help of JJ, Garcia, and his amazing boyfriend.

No medical assistance whatsoever.

All natural.

He gave birth to 2 healthy baby girls and one baby boy.

They both have gotten what they always wanted. A family.

(names and description and picture on next part! :) )

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