Malec: If I stay (Pt 1)

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This is going to be a malec au based off of the book/movie if I stay.
If you have not seen or read the book I recommend you do, its amazing! (I didn't use the actual happenings I made my own at certain points)
Everyone is mortal in this! No warlocks, no shadowhunters, no vampires, all humans! Enjoy!

Warning! Graphic at some parts!

I don't understand what's happening, it's all happening so quickly, too quickly for me to take in what's happening.

All I know is that my long time friend's Ragnor Fell, Catarina Loss and I, Magnus Bane planned on taking a road trip, school was canceled today due to some severe thunderstorm heading our way, but the warning was taken off the radio as the morning came, and I was too late for the school board to make an announcement, so we technically had a day off to do whatever we wanted.

I was at my grandparents house when Ragnor had called me up asking if I wanted to go on a road trip to his cabin for the weekend, so I said yes, he told me Catarina would be there as well, which I thought was great.

I had packed my things within 45 minutes, excited to get going.
Ragnor picked me up, and then Catarina and we were off.

We had been on the road for a solid 75 minutes when Catarina brought up that she wanted to listen to music because apparently we were boring the life out of her, so we did, we listened to her crappy 60's music for about 15 minutes until I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Turn it off. Im begging you" I moaned.

"Excuse me?!" Catarina scoffed.

"Please turn it off, please let me listen to just 2 choices of my music?" I begged.

"Absolutely not!" Catarina demanded.

"Ragnorrrr!" I whined hoping he would agree with me.

Ragnor sighed.

"Let the poor boy listen to some of his songs."

I grinned at Catarina "Haha! Yes!"

Catarina stuck her tounge out in annoyance, handing me the aux cord.

I hooked up my phone and pressed the 2nd song on my playlist, blood, guts and glitter by the band my boyfriend Alexander Lightwood was in.


The band had some of my best friends.

Raphael Santiago who played the drums, Simon Lewis on guitar, Jace Herondale on bass, and of course, Alexander or Alec Lightwood, the love of my life, was lead singer.

Catarina groaned, "You can't be serious.." she frowned, rolling her eyes.

"Deal with it." I demanded leaning back against the seat and closed my eyes listening to the beautiful sound of Alec's rough and sexy voice singing.

It soothed me in a way no other song could.

And that's what brings us here now, one minute I'm listening to the sound of my boyfriend's voice and the next is just a blur.

I hear Catarina scream, "LOOK OUT!", and then hear the ear piercing sound of screeching breaks, and that's all I hear, because I'm gone seconds later, swallowed into a peaceful blackness.


My eyes flutter open slowly and I see sky, bright blue sky streaked with white, whispy clouds.

I hear the sound of music playing, and hear Alec's beautiful low tone in the distance.

I had no idea at first where I was, but then hearing Alec's singing, it all came back.

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