Janxxe: Morning sickness, cravings and moodswings

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Jinxx shot out of the bunks and Jakes arms holding his mouth as he ran down the hall of the bus to the bathroom.

He smashed directly into the door, someone was in there.
"Um..im kinda like, peeing?" CC says from behind the closed door.

"Let me in I won't...."
Jinxx vomits all over the floor, emptying everything he had the past few hours.

CC from inside the bathroom cringed.
"Jinxx,...are you puking?!"

Jinxx responds with a gag and vomits on the floor again.
"Jinxx!" Jake cries hurrying out of his bunk.

Jinxx puked again.
He felt a gentle tug on his hair.

He rubs Jinxx's back as he continued to vomit.
CC opened the door holding a bucket.

Jinxx snatches it and burried his face in it, still vomiting.
"Yech!" CC gags.

"Im so embarrassed. " Jinxx cries.
"Shh honey its ok, it wasn't your fault. " Jake coos.

Jinxx continues puking.
"Yesh, that morning sickness is harsh." Andy says coming out of his bunk.

"Oh fuck im so embarrassed! " Jinxx sobs.
" Dont be, it isn't your fault," Andy says scratching his head.

"Ya I would've let you in but I got a tiny bladder." CC smirks.
Jinxx stops vomiting and hands CC the bucket.

"Ew what am I going to do with...wait is that lettuce?"
"EW YOU PIG!" Andy cries.

"Im joking! "
"Oink oink!" Andy smiles.

CC scoured. "Fuck off" he says.
"Im going to brush my teeth." Jinxx says ducking them all and stepping into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

"God that reeks! Someone has to clean it up before Ashley wakes up. He has a weak stomach we don't want more puke." Andy demanded with a gag.

Jake rolled his eyes.
"Your both such pussys. Ill clean it"


"Love you. " Jinxx smiles.
"Love you more. " Jake smiled.

"Come on baby eat your soup." Jake says pointing At the steaming bowl of soup on his lap.

"Nooo, I don't want that, CCs cooking is putrid."
Jake laughed, "putrid?"

"Alright love, im up for the challenge what do you crave?" Jake asks intertwining his fingers with jinxx's.

"Strawberry icecream. "
"Alright. " Jake smiled.

Jake leaves his pregnant  boyfriend behind.
Jinxx places the soup on the table.

About 3 minutes later jake comes in with an entire container of strawberry Ice Cream.

"Yummy!!" He cries.
Jake hands him the container snd spoon.

"WHY?!" he cries
"What baby?" Jake asks, placing a hand on jinxx's back.

"Someone ate my icecream!" He wails.
"Hey has anyone seen my ice..."

"ASHLEY?!!!" Jinxx sneers.
"Oh fuck. "

"Your icecream? YOUR ICECREAM?"
Ashley backs away slowly.

"That was MY icecream! And YOU ate it! " Jinxx demanded.

"Okay okay okay..,,ill buy you a new one. "
"Yes, you will. And, .."

"And you will give me that red velvet cupcake in the fridge."

"But that's min..."
"NOW! "

Ashley nods and takes off out of the room.
Jinxx countinued to cry until Ashley came in with the cupcake scouring.

"Hand it over. " Jinxx demanded


Ashley surrendered and gave Jinxx the cupcake.
Jinxx bites into it.

"Yayyy thanks Ashley! I wuv you! Your the best! "
Ashley rolled his eyes.

"Im staying in my bunk for the next 9 months goodbye. "

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