malec: baby #2 (9 months) pt 1

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1 day before the baby shower

"Alexander darling!" Magnus cries from the living room couch.
His daughter was being way too loud for 5 year old.

"Yes Magnus baby? " Alec asks walking into the living room.

"Ivy Ray why dont you go to your room? Mommy and Daddy have to talk. Okay? "

Ivy glared at him, her eyes lit up golden yellow and her hand began to glitter.

"Ivy! Remember temper, we talked about this. Breathe and calm yourself. " Alec says placing a hand on his daughters back, me which was a bad idea because he went flying across the room.

"DADDY IM SORRY! " she cried.
Alec moans rubbing his head.

"DADDY IM SO SO SORRY! " she cried.

"Its okay Ivy Ray, It was my fault I was told not to touch a young warlock when they are mad."

Ivy Rays eyes turned back to their natural hazel color and her magic dissapeared and she ran over to her father and placed a hand on his head.

"Is that better?" She asks.
"Much better sweetie thank you" he smiles.

"listen baby, why don't you go make a card or something for your new baby brother, have it ready, he will be here any day now. "

Ivy Ray smiled, "okay! Im gonna make it extra super sparkly!"
Alec smiles as Ivy Ray hurries upstairs humming happily.

"What is it baby?" Alec asks sitting next to His full term pregnant Boyfriend.

"I..I can't go to the baby shower! " he cries.
"Why not baby?" Alec coos rubbing his boyfriends back.

"Because I have nothing to wear I cant wear a tuxedo because im too big!" He bawls.

"Awww baby, its okay, just wear a sweatshirt and pants, its only going to be jace, clary, Simon, izzy, and possibly my mom but I don't think shes coming."

Magnus sighs and rubs his giant baby bulge.

"I wish hed come out already, I want to see him and hes so big hes pushing against my ribs and it hurts. " he sighs.

"I know baby I know, your due anyday now." He says stroking Magnus' hair.

Magnus smiled and kissed Alecs lips.


"Goodnight darling, go straight to sleep okay? We have to get up early tomorrow. " Alec says kissing his daughter's forehead.

"Night Daddy," she yawns getting comfortable.

"Love you honey bee, sleep tight. "

He shuts off the lights and heads to His and Magnus' room.

He found Magnus trying to paint his tonails with a huge paint brush.

Alec couldn't help but giggle seeing his boyfriend struggling to get his arm around his bump.

"Stupid brush!"he growled and threw the brush across the room.
"Hey baby watcha doing?"

"Trying to paint my toenails but I gave up"

Alec snuggles his boyfriend.
Suddenly he noticed something strange about Magnus.

He could feel his body tense slightly.
"Whats wrong baby? Are you having contractions? "

"No honey, hes just kicking harder than usual"

Magnus woke up to a pool of blood beneath him and unbearable pains in his abdomen, they weren't just contractions they were something bad.

"A..ALEC!" Magnus cries, shaking his face beaded with sweat.

"ALEXANDER! " he screams

Alec shoots up out of bed and to hs boyfriend.

"what? What is it?"

"The baby theres something wrong. "

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