Malec: Fight

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\\For anyone wondering, the reason Magnus gets so violent in this imagine is because he's extremely drunk, he isnt himself//.                                                         "Who is he?! Whos Jonathan? Did you sleep with him too?!" Alec demanded in anger.

"For christ sakes Alexander! I told you he was a little boy I helped when he was sick!  He was homeless and his mother was sick as well! I saw them and helped." Magnus growled clenching his fists, his magic could not be controlled when he was angry.

"Oh so you used your magic on mundanes?! Smart one Magnus! " Alec says.

"I made sure they forgot everything afterwards, I have magic you know!" He cries.

"Yes, I know that Magnus you told me that im not stupid!" He demanded.

"Are you sure about that? " Magnus says and immediately regretted it.

" so sorry baby..I"

Alec frowns "dont call me baby!"

"I..I thought.."

"Forget it! Okay? Forget it" he laughs.

Magnus felt as if he would cry.

Alecs hand was suddenly bleeding and red, his skin was beginning to scrape off, he looked at the wall and noticed he had punched a hole in it.

He yelped as he touched it.
It hurt badly.

"Alexander...let me see."Magnus' voice was soft again.

He placed a hand gently on Alecs shoulder and Alec yanks it back.

"I dont need your help." He growls.

Magnus was hurt, "i was only simply trying to help you..."

"I told you I don't need your help! Or you!" Alec yells.

"Alec please can we just talk this out?" Magnus asks.


Alec watched in anger as Magnus too grew angry,  his brown eyes gleamed bright yellow like a cats and blue spark leaped from his palms.

"I HATE YOU ALEXANDER! " he screams throwing magic across the room, it tore a hole in the far wall.


Magnus smiled deviously and said "I loved you Alexander, now what am I going to do?"

Alec squeaks, he knew that Magnus wasn't Magnus anymore.


"I LOVED YOU!" He screams. A bookshelf spilled books from their shelves as Magnus throws more magic.

" sorry.."he says, and he really was sorry, he was just overreacting.

"LIES!" Magnus screams.

A window smashed.

"Magnus sorry I love you. "

"DONT LIE TO ME ALEXANDER! " he screams.

"IM NOT LYING! " he demanded.

Magnus chuckles aloud.

"Yeah right,  like I should believe you"

"No! I really do. Im so sorry, please, stop youll hurt yourself. "

"I dont care, magic is magic if it wears me out and I die, who cares. " Magnus smiled,  his hands still gleaming with magic.

"I do! Magnus stop talking like that,  please. I love you I don't know what id do with out you, I overreacted and im so sorry. "

Magnus was still angry,  he didn't reply, and Alec knew he hated him.

"Fine, okay you hate me, I can live with that,  I just want you to be okay. " he says.

He began to walk out of Magnus' house when suddenly he was pulled off the ground and towards Magnus.

"Oh god, hes going to kill me. "Alec thought.

But instead, Magnus grabbed him once he was in reach,  and Kissed him with so much force he fell backwards onto the floor.

Their tounges battled for dominance and Their noses brushed briskly against one another's.

Magnus pulled away,  their noses touching, he smiles and whispered "I love you, and im so so s..."

Alec places a finger on his lips "shh, be quiet, just kiss."

Magnus laughs and kissed him again.

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