Larry: Morning Sickness, Cravings and more

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Louis cringed at the loud gags coming from his husband as he was violently sick into the toilet. It's been 7 and a half months now and still, Harry had horrible morning sickness. Not only that, his nausea was always bothering him, no matter where he was or what time of day it was Harry felt sick. He could hardly go out anywhere because of the vomiting and it made the two of them upset. Harry's doctor told them that some people who get pregnant never got rid of the nausea and it was a thing through the entire 9 months. Louis felt so badly for Harry, he watched Harry go through this every day and couldn't do anything about it. It really hurt him. Harry was having a very rough pregnancy. His back always hurt, along with his legs and feet and lower area. He'd wake up most nights sobbing in pain. One night the pain got so bad he was sick into a bucket next to their bed. The whole thing was crazy and poor Harry still had 2 months to go before he could have any relief. Louis was constantly depressed because he felt like it was his fault for doing this to him. He hated the fact he was the one that caused him this much pain.              
Louis rubbed circles around Harry's back and peppered kisses on the back of his neck, trying to soothe him as best as he could. "Get it all up baby. It'll be over soon." Louis murmured into his curls. "You're alright I got you." He cooed. Harry lifted his head up slightly, his face dripping with sweat and coughed. "Are you alright now?" Louis asked softly. "I think s.." Harry was cut off by the need to gag again. This time nothing came up. "Shh, it's okay." Louis said hearing Harry's whimpers. Harry gagged once more and was sick again. It took several minutes for him to finally stop vomiting and he fell back against Louis panting heavily. "Shh." Louis cooed rocking Harry back and forth slowly. "It's all over. You're okay now." He said softly, running his fingers through Harry's curls. "This sucks.." Harry moaned, tears streaming down his face. "I know baby I know." Louis frowned pressing a kiss on Harry's temple. "Do you want me to run you a bath?" Louis asked sweetly. "No.." Harry shook his head. "The bathtub is too small, I always have to bend my knees." He said sadly. Louis frowned, not sure what to do. "Okay well how about we take a hot shower?" He offered once more. Harry refused that as well. "No..I..i just want to get back in bed." Harry sniffles into Louis' chest. "Alright as you wish." Louis says scooping Harry up bridal style. He carried Harry out of the bathroom and to the bedroom that was attached to it. He layed him down gently and pulled the blankets over his body and baby bump. "I'll let you rest and I'll go make lunch." Louis said kissing Harry on the head. Harry pulled him down and pouted. "No." He whined. "I want you to snuggle me."  Louis nodded and smiled crawling into bed with Harry. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. Harry nuzzled his nose into Louis' shoulder and exhaled a deep breath. "I love you so much Lou." He said sleepily. Louis smiled and pressed a kiss onto Harry's head. "I love you too Hazza." He said softly. But Harry didn't hear because he was already asleep.                        About an hour later Louis woke up to Harry sobbing violently, he sat up immediately, blinking several times to get the sleep out of his eyes. "Harry love what's the matter?" Louis asked worriedly. Harry pointed to his back. "It hurts so bad Lou." He bawled. "And my feet hurt, it feels as if someone stuck hundreds of nails through them!" He cries. "Oh my poor baby." Louis said hugging Harry close. "Shh, it's okay. I'll find a way to ease your pain." Louis said softly. "Do you want me to get the heating pad?" Louis asked. Harry nodded with a sniffle. Louis got out of the bed and walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer to find the plug in heating pad. He shut the dresser and rushed back over to Harry and plugged it in. He turned the heat up as high as it would go and placed the pad behind Harry's back. "Is that to hot for you?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head. "No it's okay." He coughed. "Could you please get me the heating blanket to?" Harry asked with a sniffle. "Of course I can baby." Louis said pressing a kiss onto Harry's forehead. Louis rushed to the closet in the hall and grabbed the blanket. He came back in the room and placed it over Harry and turned that on as well. "There you go darling." Louis said sweetly. "Do you feel any better?" " A little." Harry smiled slightly with tears still in his eyes. "Alright well you relax here and I'll go make you some peppermint tea okay?" Louis offered. Harry nodded. Louis left the room and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. He filled up the kettle that was on the counter with water and placed it on the stove to boil. Then he went to the cupboard and grabbed a tea bag and mug. He set the bag in the mug and waited for the water to boil. A few minutes later the kitchen filled with a high pitched squeaking noise indicating that the water was done. Louis brought the mug over to the counter by the stove and turned the stove off. He picked up the kettle with a cloth and poured the piping hot water into the cup. After that he took the tea up to his husband.  He handed Harry the mug and sat beside him. "Careful its hot." Louis warned. "It's nothing I can't handle." Harry smiled blowing on the tea. He had been drinking the same tea ever since he got pregnant. Louis thought his tongue was permanently burnt because Harry didn't seem to mind the temperature much. "Are you feeling any better?" Louis asked a few minutes later after Harry had finished his tea. "Much better thank you." Harry smiled setting the mug aside. "Good." Louis smiled. "Is there anything else you'd like?" He asked. Harry gazed at the ceiling for a minute and then nodded. "Could you maybe get me some strawberries and cream?" Harry asked. "Pleeease Lou?" He pouted. Louis chuckled. "Of course love." He said getting up. "I'll be right back." He said before leaving the room. He made his way back downstairs and to the kitchen. He opened the cupboards and got a bowl. Then he went to the fridge and grabbed strawberries and whipped cream. Just as he did Harry called for Louis. Louis rushed to the bottom of the stairs. "What is it Hazza?" Louis called. "I decided I don't want strawberries and cream, I want a Big Mac if you don't mind." He replied. Louis sighed gazing at the bowl of fruit behind him. "Of course darling. I'll make a run to Macdonalds. Do you want anything else?" Louis asked. "No that's all!" Harry called back. Louis nodded and walked out to the porch where he grabbed his keys and slipped on a his shoes. ********** About 15 minutes after he left, Louis made it to the Macdonalds drive through and made an order for a Big Mac meal. Just as he was about to pay he got a text. "Hold on a second please." Louis said to the man who had his bag of food. The man nodded. Louis pulled out his phone and checked the message. He sighed and shook his head with a chuckle as he saw it was from Harry. "Could I get some chicken nuggets too?" Louis asked the man. -------------------------------------------------------- hoped you guys liked this one shot! It took me about 2 weeks to completely finish lol. Sorry for not updating I've been busy! Make sure to drop any requests or comments in the comments ❤️

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