Larry: Appendicitis

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Louis sat at the kitchen table, his hands around a small tea glass. Heat radiated from the cup and warmed his palms. He slowly lifted the tea to his lips and sipped, humming as the hot liquid trickled down his throat and into his stomach. He set the cup down and sighed. He was exhausted. Harry had been up all night complaining about a sore stomach. He hadn't been sick nor did he feel nauseous. His stomach was just hurting the poor boy which puzzled Louis. But he brushed it off as a stomach bug coming on and did everything he could to help Harry feel a bit better. He had put a bucket near Harry's side of the bed and gave Harry a heating pad to soothe the pain a bit. After a while Harry dozed off to sleep again but woke up an hour later complaining the cramping was only getting worse. Louis still thought of it as a stomach bug if some sort and sat Harry in a bath for awhile. After that he made him a cup of ginger tea with lemon and sat with him until he finished it. After a few minutes he had fell asleep with his head nuzzled in Louis' lap. He had been sleeping ever since. Louis tried to go back to bed but couldn't. As tired as he was sleep just wouldn't come. So instead he got out of bed and made his way downstairs to make himself a cup of tea. Louis lifted the cup to his lips once more and sipped it dry. He pushed the empty glass forward and turned to head back upstairs to check on Harry. As soon as he turned he saw the younger man in the doorway, clutching his stomach in pain. "Arry love.." he said rushing towards him. He was as pale as a sheet and his lips were a bluish colour. It frightened Louis. "It hurts.." Harry sniffled. Louis wasn't liking the looks of this at all. He seemed worse then he was last night. "Come sit on the couch and I'll make you a cuppa yeah?" He said leading Harry to the living room. As soon as they neared the doorway Louis heard Harry gag. He let out a gasp of shock as Harry rushed past him towards the kitchen sink. "Arry!" Louis cried racing towards him in panic. Harry was violently ill into the sink, he emptied everything he had eaten in the last 24 hours into it. "Oh you poor darling." Louis frowned brushing Harry's curls away from his mouth. " hurts Lou.." Harry whined collapsing against the older man weakly. "I know baby I know. But it'll go away soon I promise." He cooed in Harry's ear as he scooped him into his arms. He carried Harry upstairs and to the bedroom where he layed him down on the bed and pulled the covers over his feverish body. "Where are you going?" Harry whined as he watched Louis go out into the hallway and into the bathroom. "I'm getting the thermometer to check your temperature love. Hold on a minute alright?" He called as he rummaged through the cupboard. Harry groaned in response as he clutched his stomach again. The pains were intensifying every minute. Louis rushed back into the bedroom and over to Harry. "Open your mouth and lift your tongue love." Louis said softly as he turned on the thermometer. Harry did as told and Louis placed the stick inside Harry's mouth. "Let's hope you don't have a fever." Louis said as he waited for it to beep. Harry said nothing. He seemed to be getting weaker by the minute. After what felt like a million years the thermometer beeped indicating it was done. Louis took the stick out and read the small digital numbers. What it said made Louis' heart shatter. 102 F. "Bloody hell.." Louis cursed under his breath. Harry was truly very ill. He needed to be taken to the emergency room immediately. And by the looks of it a 45 minute drive in his car to the hospital wasn't going to happen. Panicking he reached over to the dresser next to the bed and snatched his cellphone. He dialed 911 the moment he opened his phone. "911 what is your emergency?" A calm, male voice asked. Louis on the other hand wasn't calm. "Yeah..uhm..H..hello? My husband..h..he's really ill.." Louis stammered with a shaky tone. He heard the man typing something by the sounds of the keyboard clicking. "Alrighty then, could you explain to me what's wrong with your husband sir?" He asked. Louis turned to look at Harry who was more paler then before and his closed eyes were a reddish purple. "L..Loueh.." he whined weakly. "It's okay baby helps coming." Louis said rubbing Harry's leg soothingly. "Uhm.. he's been up since last night complaining about cramping in his stomach. He has a fever of a hundred and two and he's been violently sick..please help..I'm scared.." Louis sniffles into the phone. The man typed away at his computer and then grunted. "Could you have him describe the pain and point out where it hurts the most?" He asked. "Y..yes.." Louis replied turning to Harry. "Arry' love? I need you to tell me where you're hurting okay?" Louis said softly. Harry nodded slowly and reached his arm down to his lower abdomen directly on the right side. "It hurts here." He mumbled weakly. Louis frowned, still puzzled on what this sickness could be. "He said the pain is on his right side." Louis told the man on the other line. He heard more clicks. "Alright sir you're doing great." He replied calmly. "Now could you do something for me? It's very important I know if it hurts when you push down near the belly button and where he told you that it hurts." The man explained sternly. Louis panicked. This seemed more serious then he thought it was going to be. He listened to the orders given to him and turned to Harry. "I'm just going to check your stomach some more okay love?" Louis asked softly. Harry nodded but didn't speak. Louis lifted Harry's shirt up slowly and crept his fingers over Harry's belly button. His flesh was scalding hot against his cool fingers. He gently pushed down and instantly Harry complained. "Ow Loueh!" Harry whined in pain, tears began streaming down his cheeks. Louis felt awful that he couldn't do much for his husband. Louis lifted the phone to his ear. "It hurts him. A lot. He started to cry." Louis panicked. He heard the man sigh slightly which worried him. "The medics are on their way right now. I need you to go to the door and open it for them. Call this number again if they don't come okay?" The man asked. Louis nodded even though he was unable to see. He hung up the phone and rushed over the stairs to get the door. The moment he opened it there were medics rushing up to the house. Louis let them inside and pointed upstairs. "He's up there in the bedroom." Louis said. The medics rushed upstairs with a big red stretcher and Louis followed them. They lifted Harry onto the stretcher and immediately began poking him with needles and checked his vitals and blood pressure. "Get him onto the ambulance immediately. His appendix could burst at anytime!" One of the medics demanded. Two of them nodded and lifted the stretcher up. Louis watched in shock. How could he have not known about this? Why had he brushed it off as a stomach bug? ------------------------------------------------------ "Mr. Tomlinson?" A voice asked. Louis who had been waiting for what felt like forever for any updates on Harry shot out of his seat. " is he?" Louis asked worriedly. "Harry's appendix was badly swollen. It nearly burst but thankfully we were able to remove it just in time." The female surgeon in front of him explained. "You called just at the right time. If you would have waited any longer he would have some serious issues." She warned. Louis shook his head in disbelief. Harry could have died? "C..can I see him?" He asked stepping closer to the surgeon. "You can yes. He's asking for you actually." She smiled. "Wait he's awake?" Louis asked, his mood changing instantly. "He is." She nodded. "Follow me." Louis was led down the hallway and around the corner to a room on the right. The surgeon ushered him inside and left. Louis inched his way in slowly and saw Harry laying there. He was attached to many Ivs and wires and machines. Harry thankfully looked much better then before. His colour had came back and he was no longer flushed. Louis sat in a chair beside the snoozing man and smiled down at him, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Slowly Harry's eyelids fluttered open. "L..Lou?" Harry groaned, his voice groggy from the drugs. "Yeah baby. It's me." Louis said softly. Harry turned his head to look at Louis and grinned sleepily at him. "Lou Lou.. I missed you." He said. Louis pressed a soft kiss on Harry's head. "I missed you too love." He smiled. "How are you feeling?" Louis asked stroking Harry's cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Better. Just sore.." he admitted groggily. Louis let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so sorry Arry.." Louis blurted out. "This is all my fault.. if I would have taken you here sooner you wo.." he was cut off by Harry placing a hand on his shoulder. "Stop that. Stop blaming yourself for this. None of us could've known that it was appendicitis. All that matters is that we found out in time and that everything is alright." Harry said softly. Louis smiled down at Harry and Harry stared up at him with his sleepy emerald eyes. "I love you Loueh." He said placing a hand on the older man's cheek. Louis held Harry's wrist and nodded down to him. "I love you to Arry." He said leaning down to press a soft kiss on Harry's lips.

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