Malec: Save me

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"Oh my baby! " Magnus cries throwing his hands to his mouth, in shock.

Clary and Jace carried Alecs body in their arms.
He was pale and his chest was torn apart as if a claw had dug into his skin.

He was limp and his clothes were torn apart, blood soaked through the towel Jace was pressing on the wound.

He looked dead, which made Magnus horrified.
"What happened?!" Magnus demanded.

"He was torn apart by a demon I think, we arent sure what type, we only got there a few minutes after the attack. You have to save him the poisions spreading fast." Jace demanded lying him on the couch.

"Oh my princess!" Magnus sobs.
"" Alec stammered.

His eyes were filled with horror as he gazed at Magnus.
"Oh my baby!" Magnus cries.

"" Alec croaks.
"I will darling I will!" Magnus cries.

He put out his hands in front of him.
Blue magic sparked from his hands and he held them over his almost dead boyfriend.

Suddenly his eyes roll back into his head and he starts going into a sort of seizure.

"NO!" Magnus cries.
He forced his magic to grow stonger.

Alec cries out in pain and suffering.
"Come on baby, stay with me! Please honey! Please dont die! I love you so much" he bawls.

About an hour later, Magnus was still using his magic, he felt his self getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, Alec was healed.
"He should be fine now." Magnus says simply.

"Thank god." Clay sighs with relief.

Magnus fel back against the couch coushin in exhaustion.

"Hey you okay? You used alot of magic.

"Yeah Im fine" Magnus smiles getting up.

"Good, Alec is going to be so glad you saved him." Clary smiles.

"You think so?" Magnus grins.

"Of course. "

"Hes such a beautiful creature isn't he?"

"Uhmmm..uh yeah," clary says awkwardly.


Magnus couldn't finish his sentence because suddenly the ground was coming closer to him faster than he could blink.

Magnus awoke to a something damp brushing softly against his face.

He opened his eyes to see Alec smiling down at him as he saw he was okay.

It was too bright for Magnus so he closed his eyes again.

"Alec..w..what happened. " Magnus says groggily.

"You mean you dont remember?"

Magnus shook his head.

"I was poisoned by a demon and you saved me with your magic."

"I did?"

"Yeah you saved my life." He smiled.
Magnus smiled as well.

"Your my hero" Alec smiled.
Magnus grinned.

"I love you. "
"I Love You too"

Alec kissed Magnus passionately for a few seconds before pulling away.

"You should get some rest you used alot of magic"
"Will you cuddle me?"

Alec smiled.
"Sure baby"

Okay im sorry this was short and sucky but im tired and I promised to post every day.
Ill write a bigger imagine tomorrow.

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