Andley: Prefrences pt1

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Song for eachother:

Andy: love me harder By ariana grande
Ashley: hands to myself by selena gomez (put in up top^^)

Favorite food:
Andy: Arby's, and peanut butter and fruit
Ashley: he will basically eat anything but if he had to pick one, hed choose Chicken noodle soup

Favorite band(s):

Andy: falling in reverse, KISS
Ashley: Falling in reverse, guns and roses

Favorite candy:
Andy: prefers chocolate
Ashley: gummy worms, marshmallows

Favorite Movie:

Ashley: Disney movies
Andy: batman

Favorite tv show:

Andy: he prefers the game XD
Ashley: old cartoons

Favorite way to sleep:

Andy: he loves being the big spoon, he also loves Ash wrapping his legs around his.
Ashley: he loves snuggling close to Andy.

Favorite animal:

Andy: wolf
Ashley: kitten

Favorite color:
Andy: anything dark.
Ashley: black, pink, purple, blue

Favorite drink:

Andy: chocolate milk, monsters
Ashley: alcholic beverages, tea and lemonade

Favorite sport:

Andy: hockey, football
Ashley: football

Names for their kids:

Girl: paige ivy
Boy: Devon Chase

Girl: Poppy (no middle name)
Boy: Benjamin Dennis


Part one of andley Prefrences done!
Some of these are true but the rest I made up myself...hopefully you enjoyed :)

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