Larry: Tonsilitis

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(I apologize for the way the way the writing is. I know it looks weird in different places I tried to fix it but it won't and idk why. ). 

When Harry awoke he noticed that his throat hurt. Badly. "Weird.." he thought to himself. "I felt fine yesterday.."                      Harry shrugged the soreness off as a cold coming on and turned to nuzzle into Louis. But he realized that his husband wasn't there. "Lou Lou?.." Harry pouted as he sat up and looked around the room. "I'm right here my love." Louis said coming into the room with a cup of something in his hand. As Louis got closer he saw that whatever was in it was steaming. "Where'd you go?" Harry asked sleepily as stared up at the older man. "I went downstairs to make some tea for you. I was just about to wake you up but it looks like you're already awake." He chuckled as he sat on the bed next to Harry. "Why?" Harry asked with a yawn. "Is something going on today?" He asked as he took the cup of tea from Louis. "Don't you remember? You have a concert in Houston. We're flying there in a few hours. It's why we packed." Louis explained as he pointed over at the suitcases that were leaning against the wall next to the closet. "Oh.." Harry replied as he remembered the concert. "Right.."
Louis worriedly placed a hand on the younger man's cheek and frowned. "What's the matter Hazza?" He asked. "I thought you loved doing your shows." "I do.." Harry jumped in. He didn't want Louis to know about his aching throat because he knew he'd make a big deal of it. He knew he'd cancel the show tonight and he didn't want to let the fans down. "Then how come you seem so upset?" Louis asked as he ran his thumb across Harry's cheekbone. "Are you sleepy?" "A little." Harry lied. He actually felt pretty well rested despite getting fewer hours of sleep then usual.
"Poor baby." Louis cooed as he leaned in to press a soft kiss on Harry's lips. They were hot from the tea he was drinking. "I promise that you can get some sleep on the plane. We'll be in the air for about four hours so you'll have plenty of time to catch up on rest." Louis said as he ran a hand through Harry's curls. "Hmm.." he said suddenly. "You're a bit warm love. Are you feeling okay?" He asked as he used his palm to check if Harry had a fever. "I..uh yeah.." Harry nodded. Another lie. "It's probably because I've just woken up."  He said. "Right.." Louis agreed. "Well we should get up and get ready to go. I'll run you a shower while you get some clothes alright?" Louis asked as he stood up and strode over to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom leaving Harry alone. He lifted the cup of tea to his lips and drank. "Ouch.." he yelped as he swallowed the hot beverage. Weird..his throat started to sting. It was so sore that Harry almost couldn't drink. Maybe he burned his throat by accident. Shrugging Harry stood up and set the cup aside. It was time to shower. ******************************************  After a Four hour flight on a crowded plane Harry and Louis stepped out of the airport, dragging their suitcases and bags behind them. As usual there were cries of their names coming from every direction and flashes from cameras from in front and behind. As annoying as it was the two were used to it. Whenever they went out in public like this though one of them would have to wear a disguise so the fans wouldn't get suspicious. Louis was the one dressed up this time. He was in a blonde wig that was slightly covered by his hood and wore a pair of Gucci sunglasses Harry had given him. They had multiple bodyguards around them so that the paparazzi couldn't really get pictures of Louis. They made their way to a limousine that awaited them in the parking lot and they climbed in as the driver took their bags and put them in the trunk. The moment the doors closed Harry leaned over to nuzzle his head into Louis' shoulder. He really wasn't feeling well. His throat hurt more and more and it felt like he couldn't breathe. He also felt both hot and chilly and he assumed he had a fever. But he had managed to hide whatever this was from Louis so that he could go on with the concert tonight. It was currently 5pm which meant it was time for soundcheck. Harry really didn't feel like going but he had to. For the fans. "You still sleepy?" Louis asked a few minutes into the drive to the arena. Harry shook his head. "I have a bit of a headache from the plane." Harry replied with a sigh. Louis turned to him with a concerned look on his face. "Poor baby." He said softly. "How about we get you some aspirin when we get there?" Louis asked as he peppered kisses down the younger man's neck. "Alright." Harry nodded.
"We're here." The drivers voice boomed. "Alright thank you sir." One of the bodyguards said as he pushed open his door. "Could we leave our luggage with you since you'll be back after the concert to get us?" Louis asked as he waited for Harry to climb out of the vehicle. "Of course." The driver nodded. "I'll be back at around nine to pick you both up." He said turning to look at Louis as he climbed out after Harry. "Great thank you." Louis replied as he grabbed onto the door handle. The driver nodded again and Louis closed the door. Despite it being five in the evening the air was thick and humid and made Harry's stomach hurt. Thankfully the venue had air conditioning otherwise Harry didn't think he could perform. "Ah there you are Harry." A woman grinned as they made their way to stage. "We apologize for Mr. Styles being late. Our flight was delayed a couple of minutes." One of the bodyguards explained. "No problem." The woman smiled. "We still have time before meet and greet." She said. "Mr.Tomlinson." She said. "How about you go and take a seat in front row there while Harry practices." Louis shook his head. "Can't I stay up here and watch?" He asked placing a hand on Harry's back. "We preferred if you didn't." She said strictly and gestured him off of the stage. "Don't worry. He'll be done in no time." She smiled as she lead Harry over to the microphone in the centre of the stage. "Alright you guys. Let's start off with Only Angel shall we?" The woman said as she backed up a bit from the band and Harry. Harry moaned in silence. This lady was driving him insane. She was an asshole and Harry hated her. The music started to play and Harry waited for his cue. As he waited he saw Louis take a seat in front of the stage. He smiled up at Harry and waved. This made Harry feel a bit better. He loved seeing his husband watching him sing. He loved to serenade him. Louis loved it as well. Suddenly the drums kicked in and Harry started singing. "Open up your mind, shut your mouth and see.." Harry sang. He had to hold back his whimpers. His throat ached so badly he felt like crying. "Stop!" The woman shouted as she walked towards everyone. "Harry your singing is a bit rusty tonight. What's going on?" She asked sternly. Harry sighed and swallowed the lump in his throat. He fought back a curse as he felt his throat burn as the saliva hit it. "I..I just need some water.." Harry croaked out. The woman glared at him for a moment before she turned and walked towards the cooler on the side of the stage. She opened it and came back to Harry with a bottle of ice cold water in her hand. Harry took it and opened it slowly knowing that if he drank this there was a chance it would hurt like hell. But Louis was watching and he didn't want him to worry so he took a gulp and instantly regretted it. "AGH!" He shouted as he grabbed his throat. Water spilled out of his mouth and down his chin, soaking his chest.
His throat was so swollen and so sore that he was unable to swallow. He sighed knowing that Louis heard and saw him choke on the drink. He turned and saw Louis wasn't isn't his seat anymore. Great. "Harry!" He cried out as he rushed up the stairs to the stage. "Whats the matter?!" He asked worriedly. "Tell me the truth Hazza, no lies." "I..I can't swallow.." he whimpered as he gestured towards his throat. "What do you mean you can't swallow?" Louis asked in confusion. "Baby what's wrong?"
"I..I don't know it just started hurting..and now I think it's swollen." Harry explained. Louis shook his head and took Harry by the arm. Gently pulling him away from the stage. "That's it. There's no way you can perform tonight. You can't drink which means you won't be able to stay hydrated." Louis said as he lead Harry down the steps. "B..but Lou.." Harry whined. "Nope. No buts. We're going to the hospital this instant."********************************* After a long forty five minutes of testing Harry was admitted to the hospital for the night. Turns out he had tonsillitis and needed to have his tonsils surgically removed. Louis was currently next to Harry as they waited for the nurses to take him to surgery. Harry was nervous. But Louis was there to keep him calm. "It'll be okay my love. I promise. It'll be over before you know it." Louis cooed as he brushed the curls out of Harry's emerald eyes. Harry who was high from the medication he had received pouted up at his husband. "No more ouchies?" He asked groggily. "No more ouchies." Louis chuckled pressing a kiss on Harry's forehead. "What if I can't sing anymore?" Harry gasped suddenly. His eyes wide with worry. "Don't worry about that my love. You'll still be able to sing I promise." Louis said. "Promise?" Harry asked as he shut his eyes. Louis assumed that the medication was making him sleepy. "I promise baby. Now go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." Harry smiled sleepily at his husband. "I wuv you." He said half asleep. Louis couldn't help but giggle. "I love you too Harry." ***************************************** Harry was finally out of surgery after what felt like forever to Louis. It took about an hour for the procedure and Louis had to wait fifteen minutes before he could see his husband. He was now next to Harry in his room. He was still asleep from the surgery and looked so peaceful and adorable as he slept. All of a sudden Harry began to stir in his sleep. "Lou Lou.." He whimpered as he awoke. "Hey I'm here baby." Louis cooed softly as he pressed a kiss on Harry's forehead. "It's okay now everything is okay." "Did they..did they take my tongue out yet?" Harry asked his voice husky and low from sleep. His eyes still shut. "No.." Louis shook his head as he tried to hold back a laugh. "What?!.." Harry whined in annoyance. "B..but they said they were gonna take my tongue.." he mumbled. A long frown on his pink lips. "No baby, they took your tonsils out. Not your tongue." Louis replied softly. "So they took out the wrong thing?!" Harry cried. His voice panicked. "No my love. " Louis chuckled as he wiped some drool off of Harry's chin. "They needed to take your tonsils out because they were making you sick. You need your tongue for many important reasons." Louis explained as ran his hand through Harry's hair. "Oh.." Harry said simply. "Yeah. There's nothing to worry about okay? Go back to sleep." Louis murmured into Harry's lips as he kissed them. "Okay." Harry replied. "I'm so sleepy Lou Lou.." he mumbled as he began to drift off again. "I know baby. Go to sleep okay?" Louis said as he pulled the blankets over Harry's body. "Okay." Harry said again. "Stay with me?" He asked. "Of course my love. I'll be right here when you wake up." He said as he nuzzled his nose into Harry's hair. "Lou?" Harry asked a few seconds later. "Hmm?" Louis replied softly. "I wuv you." He mumbled half asleep. Louis chuckled and pressed a sweet kiss on Harry's nose. "I wuv you too baby."

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