Moreid: Were having a baby!

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"God...D..Derek it h..hurts," Spencer gasped in a full awake state, he gripped Dereks leg tightly and shook him as a contraction tore through his body.

He let out a cry of pain and Derek woke.

"Spencer baby....whats wrong? " Derek asks rubbing his eyes groggily.

" in labor Derek the babys... coming....gotta the hospital." Spencer panted.

"What?! That's impossible your a month early! " Derek cried turning on the bedside lamp.

"It is very possible Derek, we need to get to the hospital, right now unless you want me to deliver at Garcias place!" Spencer cried.

They had stayed at Garcias place the night because it was very late when the got home from a case and Derek really wasnt up for an hour drive back to their apartment so Garcia offered for them to stay in her guest room the night. So they did.

"Okay, Okay your right, ill drive you to the Hospital,"

"Help me up?" Spencer asks.

Derek scooped his pregnant lover into his arms and kissed his sweaty forehead.

"Lets go shall we?" Derek smiled and walked into the hallway.

"Derek?" Spencer whispered.

"Y..Shit!" Derek cried as he tripped over a stair, he kept good grip on his boyfriend though and Spencer snuggled into Dereks warm chest.

They made it down the stairs without falling and just as they did, there was a loud crash and a cry of protest.

"WHOS IN MY HOUSE?!" Cried a familiar voice. Garcia.

Suddenly there was light on the two boyfriends, Spencer winced and squeezed his eyes shut, the light was too bright for him.

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS I COULD KILL YOU! " Garcia cries shutting off the flashlight and turning on the light in the staircase.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING AT 3AM?! ARE YOU INSANE?" Garcia sounded baffled.

Spencer tenses as a contraction hit him, he clenched his teeth and moaned in pain as the contraction pulsed through his body.

Garcia dropped the flashlight in shock, mouth in an O shape.

"O..oh..OH! Baby Boy your in labor aren't you?!"She cried hurrying over the stairs.

"Y...yeah.." Spencer squeaked.

"Oh my god! Yay! " Garcia cries happily.

Spencer gazed at her with a cold stare.

" to happy? " Garcia asks.

"Just..forget it..Derek, get me in the car," Spencer moans.

7 hours later at the hospital

"Hes so cute when hes sleeping" Garcia smiled stroking her best friends damp, matted hair.

"Im not asleep" Spencer murmurs, eyes still shut.

He looked terrible, his was a shade of palesh green and his eyes were dark with purple bags.

His hair was a tad messy and dirty but who would care?

He was only 2 centimeters, but he was definitely in labor, it was just going by very slowly.

"You should sleep baby, get some rest, before the hard labor begins yeah?" Derek coos stroking Spencers knuckle with his thumb.

" not sleepy." Just as he said that, he let out a loud yawn.

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