Heid: Forever and ever

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Request from Anime1Dlover1396 hope you like it.

mention a user

Spencer curled his body into a push, squeezing his mates had as he did so.

"Very good Spencer, but the baby isnt moving so your going to have to push harder then you are now." Midwife Alison said.

Spencer growled in pain and anger and annoyance he had been pushing for what felt like forever and he felt weak, as if he would pass out at any moment.

"I know your tired Spencer but the babies are coming right now, if you leave them in you, they can die." The midwife says.

"God it hurts so bad, I don't think I can do it" Spencer breathed.

"Yes you can baby, I know you can. " Hotch coos stroking Spencers cheek with his massive thumb.

"No I can't." Spencer cries.

"Yes you can Spencer, Ready?  Here comes another contraction push as hard as you can" The midwife demands.

Spencer grunts and bares down into a push, he gave it all his might, but it wasn't enough.

He let out a whoosh of air and fell back against the pillows and began to sob.

"Im weak! I can't even push a baby out!" Spencer bawled.

"No your not Spencer, your a new mother, all new mothers have trouble delivering at first, its natural. " She smiles.

"I want him out" Spencer growls feeling the baby right there but not moving and the pressure was unbelievable, he wanted to just wriggle him out, pull him out, anything to get him out but unfortunately he couldn't do that.

"Alright Spencer, since this isn't working, you could try squatting, but is that doesn't work, we are going to have to go to the hospital. " The midwife says.

Without saying a word Spencer got on the floor, he wanted to push so bad.

"Lean against Aaron for support. " The midwife says.

Spencer did as told.

Hotch pressed a kiss to Spencers temple and buried his nose into his hair.

"Okay Spencer, push as hard as you ever did before. " she instructed.

Spencer nodded and bore down into a giant push, giving it all his might, gritting his teeth and screaming out as he felt the pressure and burn down there.

He let out a woosh of air and fell against Hotch, "WHY ISNT HE MOVING?!" Spencer demanded.

"He is, just slowly, keep pushing like you were before and he'll come in no time" The midwife says.

Hotch kissed Spencers head "your doing so well baby, im so proud of you."

***** 1 hour later*****

Spencer had been pushing for an hour now, and he was exhausted.

The baby wasnt moving at all and Spencer was in so much pain in was insane. He was ready to give up.

He felt another strong contraction rack through his body and he pushed down hard, he let out a whimper as he was hit suddenly with an uncontrollable dizziness.

Suddenly,  he fainted into Hotch's arms.

"SPENCER!" he cried out in shock.

"What happened?!" The midwife asks.

"He fainted!" Hotch cries out in bewilderment.

The midwife lied him down, his head propped against Hotch's lap and rushed out of the room.

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