Phan: Pregnant?!

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Phil clutched the cool toliet bowl with his clammy hands,heaving up everything he had eaten for supper into the toliet.

"Phil baby?" Dan croaks.
"Dont come don't need to see this," Phil says wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"Phil, baby, stop, I wanna help, im worried"
"Dont be, its just your avarage tummy bug, nothing bad." Phil says getting up to flush the toliet.

"Phil this happened the last month since we had sex, maybe you should see a doctor or something. "

Phil gasped, "Oh god. "

Phil said nothing, just went to the mirror shaking.
He rolled up his white tee showing his stomach and what he saw made his heart pound against his chest.

"Thats impossible"he choked.
He noticed that he had gained weight.

"What Phil whats going on?"
"Dan, you need to go to the store,  right now. "

"What? Why?"
"Just go, and get me some pregnancy tests."

"Phil...your going insane...your a guy."
"Dan, please just go and get like 5 tests. Please"

Dan who was in uttered shock, nodded.

"Im not pregnant. Im just loosing my mind...." Phil said shaking, sitting on the toliet waiting for the beeps of the tests.

"What will everyone say? Theyll probably hate me or something." Phil cries.

Beep Beep Beep.

Phils heart froze as he heard each go off one after the other, like Dominos.

Slowly he stood up, his legs like spaghetti underneath him.
What he saw made his heart stop entirely.






Every single one of them, P O S T I V E.

Slowly, Phil opened the door, to Dan who was waiting outside of the bathroom.

"Y...your..your going to be a father Dan." He says simply.

Dan went wide eyed he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Get it out Dan" Phil demanded.
"Im going to be a father?!"

"Your going to be a father. "
Dan and Phil both sobbed happily and in shock.

"IM GONNA BE A FATHER! WERE HAVING A BABY!" Dan bawls cupping Dans face in his hands kissing him on the lips.

(Short but sweet! :) ) enjoy bbys! :p

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