Janxxe: Labor

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"Jinxx honey? You okay? " Jake asks noticing his pregnant boyfriend rubbing his giant baby bulge.

"Yeah, the baby was just kicking alot today. Im a tad sore, but that's It." Jinxx smiles assuring Jake that he was in fact okay.

"Good because if you go in labor here, we are totally screwed. " Jake says snuggling next to Jinxx and kissing his head.

The entire band was here for the night, at Jake and Jinxx's house to crash before they went back on the road to tour again.

CC and Ashley were in the guest room and Andy was asleep on the couch downstairs.

Jinxx prayed he wouldn't go into labor tonight because the weather was getting stormy outside, it was snowing hard and sticking to the ground.

He was having some cramps in his lower back and belly, almost throbbing and he worried.

But instead of showing worry to Jake, he snuggled into him and shut his eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~

"JAKE!" Jinxx cries out shooting up out of bed and gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles were white.

Sweat poured down his face and he felt tears stinging the corners of his eyes, the pain that shot through him was so painful he lost his breath.

"What?!" Jake cries sitting up quickly, and wrapping his arms around Jinxx.

"Oh my god, Jinxx, your trembling and sweating! " Jake gasps.

"Jake...I...im..in labor...oh god, oh fuck!" Jinxx sneers in pain.

"Oh god, okay, just breathe, just breathe and ill call an ambulance. " Jake says getting up quickly.

Jinxx moaned in protest and shut his eyes.

Jake hurried over to the light switch, almost stumbling in the dark.

What he saw made his heart shatter.

"Oh no, no no no no! " Jake demanded slamming his fist against the wall.

"W..what is it baby? " Jinxx questions.

"The power, its out!"

Jinxx replied to that with another cry of pain.

He squeezed his eyes shut, huffing and puffing through the pain.
Jake looked out the bedroom window from behind the closed curtains, to see the entire street dark, ominous, eerie like a ghost town.

He could hear the wind whistling furiously outside but barley seen snow because of how dark it was.

Suddenly, a light shone in the room, casting a bright light on the wall next to Jake.

Jake and Jinxx turned to see CC and Ashley standing in the doorway, CC with a flashlight, and Ashley with a single candle.

"Powers out" CC snaps groggily.

"We know meathead! " Ashley demanded hitting his head.

"Ouch!" CC protests.

"Good, I hope that hurt" Ashley grins.

"Fuck off" CC sneers.

In the very faint light Jinxx could see Ashley roll his eyes.

"Anyway, the reason we woke up is because we heard yelling." Ashley says.

"Jinxx is in labor" Jake says, sitting next to his boyfriends side and rubbing the small of his back, which was tense.

"Oh god, Jinxx, how far along are they?" CC asks.

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